On 13th April 2023, the UDSM Vice Chancellor, Prof. William Anangisye launched the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB). The formation of IAB is linked to the objectives of the Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project.
Speaking during the launching event, Prof. Anangisye said the linkage between Higher Education institutions and Industry is not only crucial but also necessary as it enhances teaching that focuses on the labour market, encourages competency-based learning and strengthen collaboration between Higher Education Institutions and stakeholders from the industry.
He also urged that the newly appointed IAB members always thrive to establish good relationship with industries to familiarize themselves with qualities of industries demanded by learners.
Prof. Anangisye acknowledged that the implementation of HEET project objectives will contribute to the College efforts in attaining it’s five years rolling strategic objectives which stress in training, research and improvement of infrastructure.
On his side, the College Principal, Prof. Stephen Maluka insisted that the College will ensure that funds provided for HEET project are well spent, and promised to carefully observe value for money.
In her vote of thanks, the Deputy Principal (Academic, Research and Consultancy), Dr. Christina Raphael requested the IAB members to visit the ongoing 8th research and innovation exhibitions, and advice the College accordingly.
HEET is a five years project implemented by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) in collaboration with the World Bank aiming at transforming Higher Education in Tanzania. The project is expected to promote education standards to 14 Higher education institutions (HEIs) in Tanzania including the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) and other non-HEIs from the Ministry of Planning and Finance. DUCE has been allocated 8 million USD out of 425 million USD of the entire project.