The Minister for Education, Science and Technology, Prof. Adolf Mkenda and the acting World Bank country director, Ms. Preeti Arora officially launched the Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project on 13th September 2022 at Golden Jubilee Tower in Dar es Salaam.
The HEET project is a five year programme implemented by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in collaboration with the World Bank aimed at improving and transforming Higher Education in Tanzania.
The project is expected to promote education standards to 14 Higher education institutions in Tanzania including the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE). Specifically, the objective of the project at DUCE is to focus on the construction or rehabilitation of infrastructure, upgrading learning resources, curriculum development and introducing innovative pedagogical methodologies. It also intends to strengthen learning environments and labour market orientation programmes among priority disciplines. The other objective is to upgrade the ICT infrastructure, equipment and services. Moreover, HEET project will offer scholarships to academic staff and develop digital learning platforms.
Speaking during the launching ceremony, Prof. Adolf Mkenda said the establishment of HEET project is one of the important initiatives for attaining skills and high quality education. He further elaborated that the project will promote higher education while acting as a catalyst force in the new Tanzanian economy.