DUCE Gender Desk Team conducted a two-day training, from 24th to 25th March 2023. The training was held at KCC Conference Centre, Kibaha.
The seminar which was facilitated by a Social Welfare Officer, Mr. Nyamara Elisha and Assistant Inspector of Police, Devotha Sanga, aimed at building capacity to DUCE Gender Desk Team, and specifically on handling Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases.
The event was officiated by the College Principal, Prof. Stephen Oswald Maluka and attended by Deputy Principals. In his welcoming note, Prof. Maluka urged members of the Desk to search information about GBV from relevant documents to enable them to sensibly observe justice and decision making.
The facilitator, Mr. Nyamara Elisha informed the team to be aware of the origin, categories, magnitude and consequences of GBV issues. He also emphasized that while working with GBV cases, the team should not underscore the role of associated documents, policies, laws, human rights and public health concerns.
On the other hand, Inspector Sanga requested the team to observe confidentiality, keep strengthening guidance and counselling services and make referrals for cases that require intensive investigation.
In her closing remark, the Deputy Principal (Academic, Research and Consultancy), Dr. Christina Raphael asked the team to cooperate while observing ethics and justice. She requested the team to seek support from the College Management where necessary, as the Management wish to see DUCE a better place for everyone.