
The Gender Unit has recently conducted a one-day seminar on gender-based violence and sexually transmitted diseases for DUCE service providers. These trainees included cooks, cleaners, and security guards.

The training was facilitated by the Deputy Principal, Planning, Finance and Administration, Prof. Method Semiono; the Head of Diversity Unit, Dr. Ikupa Moses; the Coordinator of the Children's Gender Desk in Temeke district, Mr. Meshaki Mpwage; the HEET project environmental specialist, Dr. Julius Mngumi and Dr. Massamba Kweba from the College dispensary.

Presenting the opening note, the Prof. Semiono requested the participants to observe fundamental rights at workplace. He highlighted the essence of DUCE policies in ensuring fair and equitable treatment of all staff at workplace.

The Head of Diversity Unit, Dr. Moses said that sexual harassment cause devastating physical and psychological injuries on the health, confidence, morale and performance of the victims. She further urged participants to adopt a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and violence at the College.

Correspondingly, Dr. Mngumi held that DUCE will hire new employees due to the construction of HEET buildings. He stressed that workers will need to carefully observe issues of sexual relationship and harassment issues at work place. These attitudes may include unwanted jokes, innuendoes, foul language, uninvited touches, uninvited kisses and making threats in turn for sexual favors.

Moreover, the Coordinator of the Children's Gender Desk in Temeke District, Mr. Meshaki Mpwage underscored the importance of adhering to regulations, codes of conduct, ethics, and integrity.

On the other hand, Dr. Massamba Kweba said sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that are primarily spread through sexual contact. Therefore, service providers need to adhere to proper education, safe sex practices, and regular medical check-ups as best strategies in managing STDs.