
The Dar es Salaam University Students’ Organization (DARUSO) conducted elections to form a new students’ government for the year 2021/22. The first election phase which ended last week aimed at forming the upcoming DARUSO-DUCE students’ government.

Announcing the newly elected leaders, the Chairman of the election committee Mr. Selemani Selemani mentioned the following contested leadership posts: the presidential post, vice-presidential posts, hall representatives and off-campus students’ representatives. Other posts contested were Degree programme chairpersons and their secretaries, faculty representatives, faculty female representatives, students with special needs and subject representatives.

On behalf of the election committee, the Chairperson announced the top DARUSO leaders, stating that Mr. Plato Paulo Akida from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences emerged victorious for the Presidential position and Ms. Mwalukasa Violeth from the Faculty of Science won the Vice-Presidential post. Other names of the elected leaders were announced and displayed on the noticeboard.

It was also reported that the second election phase was done on the 15th May 2021, involving the Speaker of student’s parliament, the Deputy speaker and the Clerk of the Students Parliament.

On her part, the Chief Returning Officer, who is also the Dean of Students, Ms. Stella Mossi said the election was free and fair since the majority of students participated in voting while adhering to rules and regulations. She also said that elections provide students with a unique opportunity to practice leadership, democracy and engage in social welfare activities. She further pointed out that the elected leaders should be good ambassadors in presenting the academic interests of students to higher authorities including the University Management, staff and the wider DUCE community.