
On June 6th, 2024, the Regional Commissioner of Dar es Salaam, Hon. Albert Chalamila paid a visit to the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) for addressing students. Hon. Chalamila was accompanied by esteemed officials; Hon. Sixtus Raphael Mapunda, the District Commissioner of Temeke; Hon. Elihuruma Mabelya, Temeke Municipal Director and Mr. Abdala Mtinika, the Mayor of Temeke Municipal. Also in attendance were leaders of Chama cha Mapinduzi, security officers, and leaders from various government institutions, including the Higher Education Students' Loans Board (HESLB), the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU), The Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), and the National Identification Authority (NIDA).

Prior to addressing the students, Hon. Chalamila engaged with DUCE management, including the College Principal, Prof. Stephen Oswald Maluka, Dr. Christina Raphael (the Deputy Principal of Academic, Research, and Consultancy), Prof. Method Samwel (Deputy Principal of Planning, Finance, and Administration), Heads, Directors, and Deans. Prof. Maluka warmly welcomed the delegation and provided a brief history of the College. He also expressed deep gratitude to the Government for funding DUCE through the HEET Project, highlighting its impact on the College's infrastructure and buildings. This includes the construction of two five-floor buildings and new facilities, such as inclusive sports fields. The process of selecting a contractor is currently underway, with construction expected to commence in July 2024.

Hon. Chalamila congratulated the College for its progress in various areas, including infrastructure, human resources, and student development. He encouraged the College management to continue shaping students into future leaders.

In his address to the students, Hon. Chalamila emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and using acquired skills and knowledge to overcome life's challenges. He urged students to study diligently, emphasizing their role in shaping their own futures. Additionally, he stressed the importance of discipline, good health, and contentment with one's current situation, advising against blaming the government and instead focusing on personal aspirations.

Following his speech, students had the opportunity to ask questions and present their challenges, with Hon. Chalamila and accompanying government officers providing feedback. Many questions revolved around loan disbursement, prompting Hon. Chalamila to direct the Higher Education Students' Loans Board to conduct thorough feasibility studies to prevent errors in loan allocation. Students were also encouraged to present their challenges through the appropriate channels, as communication channels remain open.

In closing, Dr. Christina Raphael thanked Hon. Chalamila for addressing the students and expressed DUCE's readiness to continue engaging with youth in the future.

Overall, the visit proved fruitful, providing students with a platform to voice their concerns and receive relevant answers.