The Eastern Africa Law Review Vol 47(1)- DANIEL SHAYO
Table of Contents
Property Rights of Women Married under Customary Law:
Review of Arajulu V. Monday
Mary-Ann O. Ajayi, ....................................................................... 1
An Overview of Transfer Pricing in Extractive Industries in
Boniphace Luhende ................................................................... 33
Legal Implications of Protection of Informal Settlements on
Urban Land use Planning in Tanzania
Laurean Laurent Mussa .............................................................. 68
The Law of Armed Conflict in The Era of Cyber Technology:
Assessing The Legal Challenges and Response in Tanzania
Petro Protas and Leonard Chimanda Joseph ............................. 95
Jus Soli or Jus Sanguinis? Diagnosing Letters of Law and
Official Interpretation of Tanzanian Citizenship by Birth
Clement Bernardo Mubanga ..................................................... 140
Supervision of Local Government Elections in Tanzania:
The Plight for Independent Electoral Organs
Daniel A. M. Shayo*.................................................................. 170