“The Law, Procedures and Policies on Enrollment to the Bar in Tanzania and How They Impact on Cross-Border Legal Practice within the East African Community”; ORIENT JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIAL STUDIES, VOL.1X, ISSUE 4, MARCH 2015 Pages 23-36.
“General Administration of the Court of Appeal Rules 2009 and Delivery of Justice in Tanzania”; Accepted for Publication:
“Basics in Preparing a Memorandum of Appeal and Skeletal Arguments”; Accepted for Publication inTHE NYERERE LAW JOURNAL, VOL.2, 2014
“Trotting to the Court of Appeal without Faltering: An Examination of the Basic Steps in Appealing to the Court of Appeal to Tanzania” in the OPEN UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL, Faculty of Law, Open University of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam; Vol.2 No.1, July 2008, (pages 32-50);
“The Effectiveness of Criminal Law in Regulating Sexual Behaviour: An Empirical Analysis of the Sexual Offences Special Provisions Act 1998, Act No.4 Cap.101; R.E.2002)” in the OPEN UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL, Faculty of Law, Open University of Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam; Vol. 1, No.2, December 2007 (pages77-109);
” Employment Law and HIV/Aids at Places of Work in Tanzania” Paper Presented at UNDP/National Workshop on Law, Ethics, Human Rights and HIV Aids- Prevention and Control in Tanzania, 13-15th January 1997. East Africa Law Review and Journal of Law and Development Vol.28, Dare salaam University Press.
“Reflections on Stare Decis in the Court of Appeal of the United Republic of Tanzania” authored jointly with M. C. Mukoyogo; A. T. Nguluma in the EASTERN AFRICA LAW REVIEW, VOL.16, NO.2 DEC.1989; (pages 1-23); SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE COURT OF APPEAL OF TANZANIA published by the Faculty of Law, University of Dar es Salaam.
“Some Reflections on the Regulation of Prices Act, 1973;” in LAW REFORM BULLETIN, Vol.1, No. 2, 1987; published by the Law Reform Commission of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam.
Book Chapters
Author of “Proceedings against the Government in Tanzania” (2008)Chapter 11; Part 111 of the Book titled “HUMAN RIGHTS, CONSTITUTIONALISM AND THE JUDICIARY: Tanzanian and Irish Perspectives” edited by William Binchy & Catherine Finnegan; Clarus Press, Dublin, Republic of Ireland (pages 153-170).
Author of “Standardizing the Criteria for Admission to Practice Law in East Africa” in the book on LAW&JUSTICE IN TANZANIA: A QUARTER OF A CENTURY OF THE COURT OF APPEAL OF TANZANIA” (2007); Chapter 16 pages 277-311) Nyota & Mkuki Publishers; Dar es Salaam. The article appears in the EAST AFRICAN LAWYER, the Official Magazine of the East African Law Society; Issue No. 9 of December 2005; Nairobi, Kenya
Author of “Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Tanzania” in the book on LEGAL ASPECTS OF DOING BUSINESS IN AFRICA; Chapter 9 (pg. 209-223) in Campbell, D. & others (edit.); published by Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers- Nijhoff Publishing House, Netherlands, 1987.
Co-Author of Law on “ Doing Business 2008: Comparing Regulation in 178 Economies”; published jointly by the WORLD BANK: INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT & INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. October 29, 2007.