# | Title | Name | Section | Role |
271 | Miss | Alice Japhese Aligawesa | (not set) | Assistant Lecturer |
272 | Dr | Benedict Lema | (not set) | Lecturer in the Department of Languages and Literature |
273 | M/s | Jackline Benedict Mhanga | (not set) | Tutorial Assistant |
274 | Dr | Faraja J. Mwendamseke | (not set) | Lecturer |
275 | Mr | Hans Felix Mwacha | (not set) | Tutorial Assistant |
276 | Dr | Nelius Neckemiah | (not set) | Lecturer |
277 | Mr | Jonasi Alex Foya | (not set) | Tutorial Assistant |
278 | Dr | Lameck E. Mpalanzi | (not set) | Lecturer in the Department of Languages and Literature |
279 | Prof | Amani Lusekelo Mwamakombe | (not set) | Associate Professor |
280 | Mr | Raphael A. Mwambalaswa | (not set) | Assistant lecturer |
281 | M/s | Mercy S. Hozza | (not set) | Senior Transcriber II |
282 | M/s | Tumaini Mligo | (not set) | Assistant lecturer |
283 | Dr | Joseph Njiku | (not set) | Lecturer |
284 | Mr | Muntala H. Mkessa | (not set) | Transcriber (braille transcriber) |
285 | M/s | Leatitia G. Mashaza* | (not set) | Assistant lecturer |