Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences-Department of History Political Science & Development Studies

Dr. John Kihamba  - Head of Department

Welcome to the Department of History, Political Science and Development Studies (HPD). The department is one of the largest academic units in the College with a total of 35 academic members of staff with diverse specializations. Currently, the Department has 13 PhD holders on post, 10 others are at different stages in their PhD studies and the rest are Assistant Lecturers and Tutorial Assistants. As the name implies, HPD is a multidisciplinary department hosting three academic units namely, History, Political Science and Public Administration and Development Studies as well as the Centre for Social and Political Research (CSPR). We offer 26 undergraduate courses in the disciplines of Political Science, Public Administration, History, Archaeology and Development Studies. We also offer two graduate programmes namely, Master of Arts in Public Administration (an evening programme) and Master of Arts with Education (History Stream). Soon we shall be introducing a third graduate programme in Development Evaluation.

Areas of teaching and research in each of the three academic units include but are not limited to the following:

1. Political Science and Public Administration Unit: Political Science, Public administration, Party Politics, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Development, Public Policy, Organizational Development and Change, Local Government in Tanzania, Governance, Gender, Human Rights, democracy and elections, African Political Thought, and Crowd sourcing.

2. Political Science and Public Administration Unit
This Unit offers a range of courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels. PSPA Unit has a diverse workforce made up of 14 members of academic staff, 5 of whom are PhD holders and 4 are on PhD studies. The rest are either Masters degree holders or are about to finish their master’s degree. Broad areas of teaching and research include Political Science, Public administration, Party Politics, Human Resource Management, Human resource Development, Public Policy, Governance, Human Rights, democracy and elections, African Political Thought, Crowd sourcing, to name but a few.

3. Development Studies Unit       
This Unit offers courses to undergraduate students across the College. Currently the Unit has 9 members of academic staff, 5 of whom are PhD holders and 2 are on PhD studies. The remaining 2 members are Masters degree holders. Areas of teaching and research include Development Perspectives, Pan-Africanism, Ethics and Corruption, Public Health, Development Financing, Development Monitoring and Evaluation, Rural Transformation and Globalization, Urbanization and Urban Planning, Governance, to name but a few.