Lecturer, Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education
Ph.D (Learning Sciences) Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (LMU), Germany
Physics and Science Education
Learning and Instruction
Investigating the effect of an instructional approach on enhancing pre-service teachers’ diagnostic competence through an intervention
Fostering the development of diagnostic competences in Teacher and Medical Education
Coordinating a project known as "Can attachment of pre-service Science and mathematics teachers to secondary schools promote their competence- based teaching skills?"
Facilitating diagnsostic competences in higher education: A Meta-Analysis in Medical and Teacher Education (Paper pubished online 03 July 2019 – Educational Psychology Review. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-019-09492-2)
Facilitating diagnsostic competences by being told, seeing examples or solving a problem? A Meta-Analysis (Paper – presented at EARLI conference 2017)
Enhancing Pre-service Teachers Diagnostic Competence: Effects of Example-Based and Problem Solving Instructional Approaches (Poster – presented at EARLI conference 2019)
Timothy, V., Fischer, F., Bianca, W., Girwidz, R. & Matthias, S. (2023). Applying cognitive load theory in teacher education: An experimental validation of the scale by Leppink et al. Psychological Test Adaptation and Development.
Timothy, V., Watzka, B., Stadler, M., Girwidz, R., & Fischer, F. (2022). Fostering Pre-service Teachers’ Diagnostic Competence in Identifying Students’ Misconceptions in Physics. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1-18.
Timothy, V.; Kyaruzi, F.; Mwakabenga, R.J., & Rukondo, N. (2022). Enhancing pre-service teachers‘ competence-based teaching through school attachment. Papers in Education and Development. 39: 19 – 39. Indexed by African Journals Online (AJOL).
Chernikova, O.; Heitzmann, N.; Fink, M.C.; Timothy, V.; Seidel, T. & Fischer, F. (2020). Facilitating diagnostic competences in higher education: A Meta-Analysis in Medical and Teacher Education. Educational Psychology Review. 32: 157 – 196. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-019-09492-2)
Can students apply scientific method in conducting Science projects: Insights from the focus group discussions and interviews (Paper – presented at EARLI conference 2024, Sevilla, Spain).
Enhancing Pre-service Teachers Diagnostic Competence: Effects of Example-Based and Problem Solving Instructional Approaches (Poster – presented at EARLI conference 2019 Aachen, Germany).
Facilitating diagnostic competences by being told, seeing examples or solving a problem? A Meta-Analysis (Manuscript – presented at EARLI conference 2017, Tampere, Finland).