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  • Bi Shani Kitogo akinogesha MASIKIDU Chuo Kikuu cha Dar Es Salaam
    04-Julai 2023
  • Maadhimisho ya Siku ya Kiswahili Duniani Julai 2023
  • The University of Dar es Salaam Business School conducted a stakeholder meeting
    for validation of the Tracer Study findings on Monday 19th June 2023.

Prof. Shani O. Mchepange


Welcome to the Institute of Kiswahili Studies (IKS), at the University of Dar es Salaam. Historically, this Institute has inherited experience of more than eighty years from the then Inter-territorial Language (Swahili) Committee which was founded in 1930. The Institute, through various programs, targets to ensure that all students get sound knowledge about Kiswahili language and literature in order to be able to compete in the competitive employment market; thus, to be able to provide their contribution to the society in Tanzania and all over the world.

The Institute, through its departments, prepares students in undergraduate and postgraduate levels to become professionals in various areas in linguistics, literature and publishing in Kiswahili. It prepares professionals who can promote and develop the teaching of Kiswahili as a discipline and as a foreign language, translators and interpreters, language and culture experts, experts in media and ICT who will develop Kiswahili in this era of science and technology. So, The Institute of Kiswahili Studies is a hub and centre for preparing experts in various areas related to Kiswahili language in all its spheres and scope.

Furthermore, Institute of Kiswahili Studies, through its research centres, teaches Kiswahili for foreigners, provides translations services and publications including general and specific discipline dictionaries.

Dedicated to the teaching, research and consultancy services on Kiswahili and to become a hub of the Swahili language, literature and culture.
To develop the Swahili language in all its aspects in accordance with the contemporary and long-term objectives of the University of Dar es Salaam and the United Republic of Tanzania.



The vision of the Department is to be an exemplary department that delivers high quality teaching, research and consultancies in connection with the Swahili Language and Linguistics. The Department builds on the successes


The Department of Literature, Communication and Publishing is one of the two departments that form the Institute of Kiswahili Studies (IKS). The department was established alongside the establishment of IKS.
