Ethics in Public Administration and African Philosophy
Mgalula, E.C. (2024). The Relevance of Nyerere’s African Socialism Today: Humanness (Utu) as a Means for Bringing about Good Governance. Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions. 13(2). 15-28.
Mgalula, E.C. (2023). An Examination of The Social-Psychological Factors Affecting Citizens’ Reportage of Corruption in Tanzania. Ph.D. thesis. University of Dar es Salam.
C, Mgalula, E., & B, Kweyamba, A. (2023). How Power Distancing Mentality Hinders a Citizen’s Readiness to Report a Witnessed Corruption Incident in Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Sociology, 9(1), 183 - 221.
Mgalula, E.C. (2023). The Effectiveness of Complaints Mechanism in Empowering Patients in Tanzania: A Case Study of Three Selected District Hospitals in Coast Region. MA Dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.