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  • Visitors from Samara State University
    of Social Science and Education
  • Visitors from Samara State University
    of Social Science and Education

Welcome Note

Dr. Augustina Clara Alexander
Director - Directorate of InternationalizationConvocation and Advancement
Dear International students, scholars and visitors, The University of Dar es Salaam, Directorate of Internationalization, Convocation, and Advancement is the designated office on campus to provide information on application, admission, visas and permits to all international students, scholars and researchers from different countries. The University of Dar es Salaam values the presence of international students and scholars and recognizes the important role they play in the life of the university. We have a rich tradition of welcoming international visitors from all parts of the world and the DICA staff is welcoming you and is committed to providing quality service and ensure a smooth settling at UDSM.

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provide information on application, admission, visas and permits to all international students, scholars and researchers from different countries.
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Alumni Relations

The primary communications link between the University and its alumni. It is the goal of our office to encourage and foster lifelong alumni participation, involvement, and commitment to their alma mater.
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