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Gabriel Daudi Mulibo

School of Mines and Geosciences



Dr. Gabriel Daudi Mulibo is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geosciences, School of Mines and geosciences, University of Dar es Salaam. He holds PhD (Geosciences) specialised in Earthquake Seismology from Pennsylvania State University, USA. He also holds MSc. (Geosciences) specialised in Seismology and Geophysics from Pennsylvania State University. He completed his BSc. (Geology) (with honours) at the University of Dar es Salaam. After finishing his PhD, he was awarded a Postdoctoral fellowship at Pennsylvania Sate University and thereafter was employed as a Lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam and was later promoted to Senior Lecturer position. 

Dr. Mulibo’s research interests focus on solid earth and applied geophysics in understanding tectonism of the Rift system and the associated seismic hazard. He has also worked extensively in understanding shallow and deep subsurface geology and mineral resources using various geophysical methods (deep and shallow geophysical survey methods). He has a vast knowledge and expertise of more than a decade in the field of geophysics. From these areas of research, he has supervised a number of Masters and PhD theses/dissertations and published several articles in top-notch journals as a solo or co-author.

Research Interest

  • Crustal and mantle structure and associated earth processes
  • Solid earth geophysics
  • Applied geophysics
  • Seismic hazard
  • Seismotectonics




  • Seismotectonics of the East African Rift Systems.
  • Geophysical Investigation of Subsurface Structures related to Gold Mineralisation in the Iramba-Sekenke Greenstone Belt.
  • Geophysical Investigation on the Geometry and Kinematics of Major Faults Systems in Dodoma and Pan-African Mozambique Belt, central Tanzania.
  • Assessment of groundwater resources in fractured rock aquifers in Dodoma city, Tanzania   
  • Geotechnical Investigation using Integration of cone dynamic sounding and seismic sounding: Alternative novel approach to intensive borehole drilling.                                                                                                                                                                                                     


  1. Mulibo G.D., and Nyblade A.A., (2013). The P and S wave velocity structure of the mantle beneath eastern Africa and the African superplume anomaly Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geosystems, 14, 2696-2715.
  2. Mulibo G.D., and Nyblade A.A., (2013). Mantle transition zone thinning beneath eastern Africa: Evidence for a whole-mantle superplume structure, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 3562-3566.
  3. O’Donnell, J.P., Adams, A., Nyblade, A.A., Mulibo G.D., and Tugume F., (2013). The uppermost mantle shear wave velocity structure of eastern Africa from Rayleigh wave tomography: constraints on rift evolution, Geophysical Journal International, 194, 961-978.
  4. Mulibo G.D., and Nyblade A.A., (2016). The Seismotectonics of southeastern Tanzania: Implication for the propagation of the Eastern Branch of the East African Rift, Tectonophysics, 674, 20-30.
  5. Donna J. Shillington, James B. Gaherty, Cynthia J. Ebinger, Christopher A. Scholz, Kate Selway, Andrew A. Nyblade, Paul A. Bedrosian, Cornelia Class, Scott L. Nooner, Matthew E. Pritchard, Julie Elliott, Patrick R. N. Chindandali, Gaby Mbogoni, Richard Wambura Ferdinand, Nelson Boniface, Shukrani Manya, Godson Kamihanda, Elifuraha Saria, Gabriel Mulibo, Jalf Salima, Abdul Mruma, Leonard Kalindekafe, Natalie J. Accardo, Daud Ntambila, Marsella Kachingwe, Gary T. Mesko, Tannis McCartney, Melania Maquay, J. P. O’Donnell, Gabrielle Tepp, Khalfan Mtelela, Per Trinhammer, Douglas Wood, Ernest Aaron, Mark Gibaud, Martin Rapa, Cathy Pfeifer, Felix Mphepo, Duncan Gondwe, Gabriella Arroyo, Celia Eddy, Brian Kamoga, Mary Moshi, (2016). Acquisition of a Unique Onshore/Offshore Geophysical and Geochemical Dataset in the Northern Malawi (Nyasa) Rift. Seismological Research Letters, 87 (6): 1406–1416.
  6. Accardo, N. J., Gaherty, J. B., Shillington, D. J., Ebinger, C. J., Nyblade, A. A., Mbogoni, G. J., Chindandali, P. R. N., Ferdinand, R. W., Mulibo, G. D., Kamihanda, G., Keir, D., Scholz, C., Selway, K., O'Donnell, J.P., Tepp, G., Gallacher, R., Mtelela, K., Salima, J., Mruma A., (2017). Surface-wave imaging of the weakly-extended Malawi Rift from ambient-noise and teleseismic Rayleigh waves from onshore and lake-bottom seismometers. Geophysical Journal International, 209, 1892-1905.
  7. Plasman, M., Tiberi,C., Ebinger, Gautier, S., Albaric, J., Peyrat, S., Deverchere, J., Le Gall, B., Tarits, P., Roecker, S., Wambura, F., Muzuka, A., Mulibo, G. D., Mtelela, K., Msabi, M., Kianji, G., Hautot, S., Perrot, R., and Gama, R., (2017). Lithospheric low-velocity zones associated with a magmatic segment of the Tanzanian Rift, East Africa. Geophysical Journal International, 210, 465-481.
  8. RoeckerS., Ebinger, C., Tiberi, C., Mulibo, G., Ferdinand, R. W., Mtelela, K., Kianji, G., Muzuka, A., Gautier, S., Albaric, J., and Peyrat, S.,  (2017). Subsurface Images of the Eastern Rift, Africa, from the Joint Inversion of Body Waves, Surface Waves, and Gravity: Investigating the Role of Fluids in Early-Stage Continental Rifting. Geophysical Journal International, 18, 3662–3686.
  9. Weinstein, A., C. J. Ebinger, S. J. Oliva, S. Roecker, C. Tiberi, M. Aman, C. Lambert, E. Witkin, J. Albaric, S. Gautier, A. Muzuka, G. Mulibo, G. Kianji, R. Hadfield, F. Illsley-Kemp, M. Msabi, R. Ferdinand-Wambura, S. Perrot, J. Muirhead, A.  Rodzianko, T. Fischer, (2017). Fault-magma interactions during early continental rifting: Seismicity of the Magadi-Natron-Manyara basins, Africa, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystem, 18, 3662–3686.
  10. Tepp, G., Ebinger, C. J., Zal, H., Gallacher, R., Accardo, N., Shillington, D. J., Gaherty, J., Keir, D., Nyblade, A.A., Mbogoni, G.J., Chindandali, P.R.N., Ferdinand-Wambura, R., Mulibo, G.D., Kamihanda, G., (2018). Seismic anisotropy of the upper mantle below the Western rift, East Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 1-17.
  11. Borrego, D., Nyblade, A.A., Accardo, N.J., Gaherty, J.B., Ebinger, C.J., Shillington, D.J., Chindandali, P.R.N. Mbogoni, G., Ferdinand, R.W., Mulibo, G.D., ODonnell, J. P. Kachingwe, M., and Tepp, G., (2018). Crustal structure surrounding the northern Malawi rift and beneath the Rungwe volcanic province, East Africa. Geophysical Journal International, 215, 1410-1426.
  12. Grijalva, A., Nyblade, A.A., Homman, K., Accardo, N.J., Gaherty, J.B., Ebinger, C.J., Shillington, D.J., Chindandali, P.R.N. Mbogoni, G., Ferdinand, R.W., Mulibo, G.D., ODonnell, J. P. Kachingwe, M., and Tepp, G., (2018). Seismic evidence for plume- and craton-influenced upper mantle structure beneath the northern Malawi rift and the Rungwe volcanic province, East Africa. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 19.
  13. Tiberi, C., S. Gautier, C. Ebinger, S. Roecker, M. Plasman, J. Albaric, J. D´everch`ere, S. Peyrat, J. Perrot, R. Ferdinand Wambura, M. Msabi, A. Muzuka, G. D. Mulibo, G. Kianji. (2019). Lithospheric modification by extension and magmatism at the craton-orogenic boundary: North Tanzania Divergence, East Africa. Geophysical Journal International, 216 (3): 1693-1710.
  14. Ebinger, C. J., Oliva, S.J., Pham, T., Peterson, K., Chindandali, P., Illsley‐Kemp, F., Drooff, C., Shillington, D.J., Accardo, N.J., Gallacher, R.J., Gaherty, J., Nyblade, A.A., and Mulibo, G., (2019). Kinematics of Active Deformation in the Malawi Rift and Rungwe Volcanic Province, Africa. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20.
  15. Mulibo, G.D., (2019). Investigation of macroseismic intensity of the Mw5.9 September 10, 2016 Kagera earthquake: Implications for site effect amplification. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 159: 103568.
  16. Hopper, E., Gaherty, J.B., Shillington, D.J., Accardo, N.J., Nyblade, A.A., Holtzman, B.K., Havlin, C., Scholz, C.A., Chindandali, P. R. N., Ferdinand, R.W., Mulibo, G.D., and Mbogoni, G., (2020). Preferential localized thinning of lithospheric mantle in the melt-poor Malawi Rift. Nature Geoscience, 13: 584-589.
  17. Mulibo, G.D., (2022). Seismotectonics and active faulting of Usangu basin, East African rift system, with implications for the rift propagation. Tectonophysics, 838, 229498.
  18. Mulibo, G.D., (2024). A strike slip fault dynamic and seismic hazard implications on the future big event: Insights from the M5.5 Rukwa Earthquake of 21 March 2019. Acta Geophysica, 72(6), 3849-3862.
  19. Laizer, P., Mulibo, G.D., Marobhe, I.M., (2024). Subsurface linear structures and potential zones of mineralization of the Iramba–Sekenke Greenstone Belt, central Tanzania with implications for the structural-controlled mineralization. Journal of African Earth Sciences. 215:105261. ci.2024.105261.
  20. Balambirwa, O., Mulibo, G.D., and Msabi, M.M., (2024). Lithology and subsurface structures related to gold mineralization in the Kibati prospect, Mozambique belt in eastern Tanzania, with implications for gold exploration. Exploration Geophysics. 27382.
  21. Laizer, P., Mulibo, G.D., (2024). Geophysical signatures on gold and base metal mineralization in the Ibaga area, northeast of Iramba, central Tanzania. Applied Earth Sciences. 133(2): 116-128.
  22. Laizer, P., Mulibo, G.D., (2024). Geophysical characterisation of subsurface structures related to gold mineralisation in the Mpambaa area, SE of Iramba–Sekenke Greenstone Belt, Tanzania. Mediterranean Geosciences Review.
  23. Pastory, E., Mulibo, G.D., Marobhe, I.M., (2024). Subsurface basement structures of Usangu basin, East African rift system, with implications for basin structural configuration and hydrocarbon potential. Tectonophysics.