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Prof. J.J. Masele

Juma James Masele

University of Dar es Salaam Business School

General Management


Prof Masele has worked as a researcher, trainer and consultant in various areas of Management information systems, Technology transfer and innovation, and Strategic management. Prof Masele is a committed academic mentor and has supervised over Twenty postgraduate students’ theses/dissertations both at PhD and Masters level. Prof Masele is a visiting professor in the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology-Arusha, Tanzania teaching E-Business courses. Prof Masele is also currently working with the Johannesburg Business School as a Supervisor for the Online MBA Capstone Project, South Africa . He serves as external examiner in various Universities in the country. He was also a visiting lecturer teaching Environmental Project Management course to the Environmental Management Information Systems-EMIS master’s students, Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo- MOÇAMBIQUE.

Research Interest

  1. ICTs for Sustainable, Inclusive and pro-poor growth
  2. Green entrepreneurship
  3. Green Information Systems
  4. Reverse Innovation and Technology transfer
  5. Sustainability and Responsible Business Practices





Katalla, R.J., & Masele, J.J. (2024). Digital technologies usage for SMEs businesses’continuity in developing countries amidst COVID-19 pandemic: technology strategies and associated challenges in Tanzania. Information Discovery and Delivery. DOI 10.1108/IDD-04-2024-0058.

Warren, T., Masele, J.J. & Magova, G. B. (2024). Bridging knowledge management and training to boost hospital efficiency: evidence from private hospitals in Uganda. Knowledge Management Research & Practice. DOI:10.1080/14778238.2024.2430232.

Warren, T., Masele, J.J. & Magova, G. B. (2024). Employee Involvement and Operational Performance of Private Hospitals in Uganda: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Management. Business Management Review, 27 (2), 35-58.

Masele, J.J. (2024). Misinformation and COVID-19 vaccine uptake hesitancy among frontline workers in Tanzania: Do demographic variables matter? Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 20 (1), 2324527.

Masele, J.J. & Mwita, D. (2024). Online Television Subscription in Tanzania: Examination of the Influence of Information Quality, Video quality and technology ease of use, ORSEA JOURNAL 13 (2), 67-85.

Masele, J.J. & Joseph, R. (2023). Media firms’ preparedness and coping strategies in the emergence of social media: a case of Tanzania, Journal of Media Business Studies,

Masele, J.J. & Joseph, R. (2023). Media firms’ preparedness and coping strategies in the emergence of social media: a case of Tanzania, Journal of Media Business Studies,

Masele, J.J. and   Daud, E. (2022). Sources   of information and   the influence of misinformation on COVID-19 vaccine uptake hesitancy among frontline workers in Tanzania: evidences from Dar es Salaam and Dodoma, Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication,

Masele, J.J., Mrisha, H., & Warren, T., E. (2023). E-commerce service quality influence on domestic tourists satisfaction in Tanzania: a pursuit to sustaining tourism growth amid COVID-19 pandemic, International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, 4 (2), 171-188.

Masele, J.J. & Rwehikiza, D.P (2022). Usability of Social Media for Promoting Higher Learning Institutions’ Activities in Tanzania: A Diffusion of Innovation Perspective, Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing,

Masele, J.J. and Matama, R. (2020). Individual Consumers’ trust in B2C Automobile E- commerce in Tanzania: Assessment of the influence of Web design and Consumer Personality. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 86 (1), e12115.

Masele, J.J. (2019). Top management team's green entrepreneurial attitude and its influence on green ebusiness adoption: empirical evidence from tour operators in Tanzania. Small Enterprise Research, 26 (1), 78-104.

Masele, J.J. (2019). Top management team's green entrepreneurial attitude and its influence on green ebusiness adoption: empirical evidence from tour operators in Tanzania. Small Enterprise Research, 26 (1), 78-104.

Kisusi, R.L & Masele, J.J. (2018). Efficacy of public awareness strategies for promoting existing cultural heritage tourism assets in Dar es Salaam. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 14 (2), 117-137.

 Muries, B. & Masele, J.J. (2017). Explaining Electronic Learning Management Systems (ELMS) Continued Usage Intentions among Facilitators in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Tanzania. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 13(1), 123-141.

Masele, J.J. (2015). Towards e-commerce use for pro-poor tourism promotion: Local providers' ict training needs in Tanzania. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 12 (4), 1550020

Masele, J.J. (2023). Integrated financial management systems and financial accountability in local governments in Tanzania. In Siasa Issa Mzenzi &Abeid Francis Gaspar (Ed.) (2023) Trends and Prospects of Financial Accountability in Local Governments in Tanzania, pp 97--109. Dar es salaam University Press (DUP), Dar es Salaam.

Masele,J.J. (2020). Sustaining Green eBusiness Adoption among SMEs in Tanzania: Analysis from Small and Medium Tour operators in Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar. In Wineaster Anderson, Lena Mossberg and Tommy Anderson (Ed) (2020) Sustainable Tourism Development in Tanzania Chapter ten, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 205-228.