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  • Showing 601-615 of 1,816 items.
    601Felista Emanuel MwinamilaUniversity Of Dar Es Salaam Library(not set)Library Assistant II
    602MissFelister Msalila MagaziInstitute of Kiswahili Studies(not set)Library Assistant III
    603DrFelix J. MkonyiDar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Senior Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences
    604MrFesto MulindaCollege of Humanities(not set)Assistant Lecturer
    605DrFesto Joster NtensyaInstitute of Kiswahili Studies(not set)Lecturer
    606DrFides John IzdoriCollege of Engineering and Technology(not set)Lecturer
    607DrFides S. PanganiDar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Lecturer in the Department of Languages and Literature
    608M/sFilieda Dillah SangaInstitute of Kiswahili Studies(not set)Assistant Lecturer
    609M/sFlaviana Marcel Joachim College Of Natural And Applied Sciences(not set)Assistant Lecturer
    610ProfFlora John Magige College Of Natural And Applied Sciences(not set)Associate Professor and Principal
    611M/sFlora Modest NyamudaDirectorate Of Students Services(not set)Warden Mabibo Hostels
    612M/sFlora MwahelendeDirectorate Of Students Services(not set)Warden II
    613DrFlora Stephano College Of Natural And Applied Sciences(not set)Senior Lecturer and Head of Department
    614(not set)Flora Weston MlejeQuality Assurance Bureau(not set)Sebior Administrative Officer
    615DrFlorence Kyaruzi Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Senior Lecturer, Head, Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies