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Title: Dr
Name: Flora Stephano
College/School/Division: College Of Natural And Applied Sciences
Role: Senior Lecturer and Head of Department
Current Summarised CV:

Dr. Flora Stephano is a Senior Lecturer and the Head of the Department of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation within the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM). She is specialized in the field of neuro-anatomy, physiology, developmental biology, neurotoxicology and insect physiology. Dr. Flora Stephano completed her PhD in Zoophysiology at University of Kiel Germany in 2013. Prior to this she was saving as an Assistant Lecturer at Department of Zoology and Wildlife, UDSM. This post was held since 2006 after completion of her Master degree in Science at the same department. Dr. Flora Stephano in collaboration with TreND (Teaching and Research of Neuroscience for Development) in Africa organised an international workshop on Neuroscience and Drosophila Neurogenetics, in August 2014, at Department of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation, UDSM. She is currently a member of International Society of Neurochemistry (ISN) and Society for Neuroscientists in Africa (SONA). In her career in neuroscience, she has won two IBRO (International Brain Research Organisation) awards. The IBRO best poster presentation at SONA conference in Rabat, Morocco, June 2013, and Best IBRO oral presentation at IBRO school of Neurotoxicology and Brain disorders, in Khourigba Morocco June 2015. In December 2016, Dr. Stephano also won a grant from Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN-ISN) CATEGORY 1B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory. This grant was used to carry out the project; “Neuroprotective role of Baphia macrocalyx in a rotenone induced Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease”. In 2018, Dr. Stephano attended a six months research fellowship at the Institute of Neuroscience, Miguel Hernandez University Alicante, by Women Foundation for Africa (Madrid-Spain) for the period of March to September 2018. Dr. Stephano’s interest and current research is focusing on non-communicable diseases especially Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease using Drosophila as a model, Neurotoxicology, Gut physiology, Metabolic disorders (Diabetes) using rat models and Insect physiology with respect to control of cassava vectors; Bemisia tabaci. Dr. Stephano teaches and supervises both undergraduate and postgraduate students. At her free time Dr. Stephano likes jogging and reading novels.

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