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Majura A M Songo

Majura Amon Maila Songo

School of Mines and Geosciences



Mr Majura Songo has more than 25 years of professional experience in research and consulting in Tanzania. Qualified and experienced Geo-hydrologist specialized in Integrated Water Resources Management, hydrogeology, exploration geophysics, seismic hazard assessment, water wells drilling surface water hydrology, environment, minerals and rocks, project formulation, management and supervision of all aspects related to groundwater exploration and exploitation; and water distribution as well as groundwater modelling and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Good organizational skills gained through experience as local and international research and field organizer. He has excellent communication skills and proven ability to work well in multi-disciplinary teams. He has supervised many programs in the country such as groundwater investigations in different geological formations, drilling of test and production boreholes, pumping tests, modelling and data analyses, groundwater assessments and tender documents preparations. Supervision of several geophysical consultant works. Is a dedicated Christian, Member of the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church at the University of Dar es Salaam SDA. I am attributing my successful career to the almighty God.


MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)Geological Society of Africa (GSAf) |Tanzania Environmental Professionals Association (TEPA)International Association of Hydrogeologists - Managed Aquifer Recharge Group (IAH-MAR)



February 2014 – December 2016 Master of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), College of Engineering and Technology (CoET), University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 

2008 – 2011: B.Sc (Hons) in Environmental Studies, Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania.


February,1999 – December, 1999: B.Sc. (Honours) in Geo-hydrology, Institute for Groundwater 

Studies, University of the Orange Free State, South Africa.

July, 1990 –June, 1993: Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in water resources engineering specializing 

in Hydrogeology, Water Institute, Dar es Salaam.


Other courses

June – October, 2022: Professional Drilling Management course. Conducted by Virtual Campus, Cap-Net, sponsored by UNDP.

23rd – 24th May, 2022: Geophysical Exploration Techniques at the University of Dar Es Salaam, Department of Geosciences, Tanzania. 

4th – 11th November, 2007: Integrated Watershed Management in Bagamoyo, Tanzania, organized by Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

17th – 21th September, 2007: Global Course on Integrated Water Resources Management in Bagamoyo, Tanzania, organized by Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)

3rd – 9th December, 2005: Final Training Course on Project Management and Conflict Management as part of Integrated Groundwater Management Project, held in Brussels, Belgium.

16th – 21th December, 2003: Integrated Water Management “Face to Face” in Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany.

14th – 24th July, 2003: Training on Transboundary Water Management in Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany.

February to July, 2002: “Advanced Professional Training in Integrated Groundwater Resources 

Management”, CDC, Germany.

July to September, 2001“Post Graduate Training Course on Groundwater Tracing Techniques”, 

Institute for Hydrogeology and Geothermics, Technical University of Graz, Austria. 

August to September, 2000: “Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) 

applications in Geology”, University College of Lands and Architectural Studies (UCLAS), Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. 

Research Interest

Research and consulting interest

  • Research on groundwater assessment and management in Tanzania
  • Groundwater exploration using geological, hydrogeological and geophysical methods
  • Seismic Hazard Assessment and geo-hazards studies using: Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT), Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES), Hydrogeological and geological mapping, Ground Magnetic survey and interpretation of airborne magnetic data.
  • Management of environmental disasters and risks associated with volcano-tectonic activities
  • Mineral resources survey in different regions of Tanzania
  • Pollution studies using geophysical methods
  • Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
  • Seismic hazard assessment, and training, supervision of water well drilling programs
  • Supervision of groundwater and mineral exploration projects
  • Geophysical soil investigations and analysis
  • Soil resistivity surveys
  • Mineral and groundwater data analysis
  • Water resources assessment (quantity and quality)
  • Groundwater and mass transport modeling, sea/saline water intrusion mapping


Good organisational skills gained through my experience as local and international research and field organiser: February-Date, Researcher and Research organiser in the study of Hazard in Tanzanian Rift (HaTaRi); July-December, 2016: Research organiser DeepCHALLA: Two Glacial Cycles of Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics from Equatorial East Africa |May 4th - 7th 2008: - Leader: Geological field excursions for International Year of Planet earth (IYPE) Conference along the Gregory rift system in northern Tanzania Divergence and published a field guidebook|28th July – 10th August, 2005: - Leader: Geological field excursion in the eastern, central and southern part of Tanzania with Students and Professors from Institute of Geology, Technical University Graz, Austria. |20th - 28th June, 2005: - Leader:  Environmental research and geological field excursion in the Lake Victoria Gold Fields aiming at studying the effects of mercury in the small scale gold mines, with researchers from Kanazawa University, Japan. |March – June, 2005 - Research organizer on the isotopic composition of mantle volatiles and the calibration of cosmogenic production rates on Tanzanian volcanoes (Oldoinyo Lengai and Kilimanjaro), With researchers from France. |10th – 14th October, 2004: - Leader:  Geological field excursion and climbing of the Oldoinyo Lengai Mountain, the only with active volcano in Africa that emits white natroncarbonatite magma, led the participants of the conference on the Geoparks of East Africa. |15th – 30th November, 2004: - Leader:  Fission and track sampling in the southern part of the East African rift system (Livingstone escarpment) with Post-Doc students from Potsdam University, Germany. |28th – 14th July, 2001: - Leader:  Fission and track sampling in the Nothern part of the East African rift system (Gregory Rift system) with Researchers from Melbourne University, Australia. |15th – 30th March, 1994: - Leader:  Research on the most famous dinosaur locality of Africa with researchers from Technical University Berlin, Germany. 


Launching conference International Year of Planet earth (IYPE) Africa region: Science for the Society, 

Arusha, Tanzania May 8th - 9th 2008. 

8th WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA SYMPOSIUM “Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) – 

from Concept to Practice, Lusaka-Zambia, 31st October – 3rd November, 2007.

International Workshop on Transboundary Water and Conflict Management, Brussels – Belgium, 1st 

- 10th December, 2005.

International Workshop on Transboundary Water and Conflict Management, Bonn – Germany, 19th 

June, – 04th July, 2004.

International Workshop on Trans boundary Water and Conflict Management, Berlin – Germany, 

14th – 24th July, 2003.

International Workshop on Health and Environmental Effects of Mercury – “Health Effects, 

Environmental Impacts and contaminated Sites” Nov. 19 – 20, 2002, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

XXXI Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) on New Approaches 

              Characterizing Groundwater Flow, Munich, Germany, 10th – 14th September, 2001. 

XII Conference of the Geological Society of Africa (GSAf) on Geo-environmental Catastrophes in 

Africa, Yaoundé, Cameroun, 27th March – 2nd April, 2001

XXX Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) on Groundwater: Past 

Achievements and Future Challenges, Cape Town, South Africa, 26th November – 1st December, 2000.





April, 21st – May, 20th, 2024: Appointed by the Director of Disasters, Prime Minister’s Office as a member and Co-team Leader in the project entitled: DETAILED HAZARD AND RISK ASSESSMENT ON MUDSLIDES - INTEGRATING GEOLOGY, HYDROLOGY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL DRIVERS AROUND HANANG’ VOLCANIC MOUNTAIN, IN HANANG’ DISTRICT, MANYARA REGION.

March, 2019: Appointed by the Controller and Auditor General (CAG) of the United Republic of Tanzania to critically review a report on the performance audit on the management of water supply projects from borehole sources in Tanzania as performed by the Ministry of Water. The report signed by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania (URT) before submitted to the Parliament for debate.

July, 2019 to December, 2020: Appointed by the National Development Corporation (NDC) as a member of the Monitoring Team for the Engaruka Soda Ash Techno-Economic Study.

August - November, 2024 – Team member: Provision of consultancy services for conducting Geotechnical and Seismic Hazard Assessment for the NSSF proposed construction of Five-star Hotel and Office Block at Njedengwa, Dodoma. LOT NO. TR191/2023/2024/C/25. PART I: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Under BICO

September, 2024 – Groundwater Investigation Team Leader: Urban Water and Sanitation Programme Phase 2 of the 7 Towns Urban Upgrading Programme Water Supply and Sanitation Measures in Babati Township under Lifewater Drilling and Engineering Services Company Limited of Arusha. Main consultant: GKW Consult GmbH Company of Germany 

April, 2024 - Team Member: Upgrading of Kabingo – Kasulu- Manyovu (260.0 Km) Road to Bitumen Standard; Lot 3: Mvugwe-Nduta Junction (59.35 Km) in Kasulu District, Kigoma Region. Investigations on Causes and Provide Details on the Sources of Road Cracks/failure at Km 158+700 To Km 158+750 (Busunzu Area) and Recommend Solutions Based on Hydro-Geological, Geostructural and Geophysical Analysis. Client:   STECOL CORPORATION and TANROADS.

June, 2023- Team Member: Investigations of Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) location for the proposed Tembo Nickel Mine - Kabanga in Ngara District, Kagera Region using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and seismic refraction surveys including Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves.

May-December, 2023: Project Hydrogeologist - Consultancy Services for Development of New Water Sources, Construction of storage tanks and Expansion of Water Treatment Plant for Babati Township. Supported by KFW of Germany and GKW as a Consultant. Under department of Geosciences, UDSM

May, 2023-Hydrogeologist and team Leader: Construction and Commissioning of Water Supply Schemes at Geita, Chato and Kayanga Towns awarded to APCONS Co. Ltd of India. Soil Resistivity Survey for Corrosion detection and cathodic protection along the proposed routes of water supply pipes.

February, 2023– to May, 2024: Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader: Hydrogeological and Geophysical Investigations for Groundwater Resources Development Potential Areas in Kiomboi and Manyoni Town Councils and Singida Municipal Council. Client: PNR Drilling Services, Tanzania.

September, 2022 – to March, 2023: Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader: Hydrogeological and Geophysical Investigations for Groundwater Resources Development Potential Areas in Manyara (Hanang, Kiteto and Babati Rural), Morogoro (Malinyi), Arusha (Monduli and Longido) and Coast Regions (Kisarawe). RUWASA project. Client: PNR Drilling Services, Tanzania

December, 2022– January, 2023: Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader: Construction and Commissioning of Water Supply Schemes at Ifakara, Chunya, Rujewa, Wanging`ombe, Makambako and Njombe Towns Package 3. Contract No. ME-011/2021-2022/W/CONTRA/05 awarded to L&T Co. Ltd of India. Hydrogeological and Geophysical Investigations for Groundwater Resources Development Potential Areas in Chunya Town

December, 2021 – to December, 2022: Project Hydrogeologist and Team LeaderREHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IN ZANZIBAR, INDIA EXIM BANK FUNDED PROJECT – LOT 3. Boreholes survey, drilling supervision, data interpretation and report writing for Masingini and Kidutani/Kwarara water supply schemes under PNR Services (T) Ltd. 

October-November, 2021 – Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader: Hydrogeological and Geophysical Investigations for Groundwater Resources Development Potential Areas in Three Selected Villages of Urambo District, Tabora Region. Client: PNR Drilling Services, Tanzania

September – October, 2021 – Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader: Hydrogeological and Geophysical Investigations for Groundwater Resources Development Potential Areas in Seven Selected Villages of Urambo District, Tabora Region. Client: RUWASA Drilling Section (DDCA), Tanzania

September, 2021 – Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader: Hydrogeological and Geophysical Investigations for Groundwater Resources Development Potential Areas for the MKULAZI HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED (MHCL), MBIGIRI SUGAR ESTATES.

Client: PNR Drilling Services, Tanzania.

July - November, 2021 – Team member: Updates of pollution potential for Kukuluma and Matandani 

refractory pit Lakes and evaluation of water treatment options. Under BICO. Client: GEITA GOLD MINE (GGM).

May – July, 2020 - Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader: Geological, Hydrogeological and Geophysical Investigations of the source and cause of flowing water inside the proposed Moshi International Bus Terminal at Ngangamfumuni and surrounding areas, Moshi Municipal, Kilimanjaro Region.

Client: Regional Commissioner Kilimanjaro region and the Moshi Municipal Council

September, 2019 to 2021:Team member of the hydrogeology group ‘’for Provision of Consultancy Services for Preparation of an Integrated Water Resource Management and Development Plan for the Lake Victoria Basin’’ supported by the MINISTRY OF WATER AND IRRIGATION, UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA.

September, 2019 to January, 2020:Project Hydrogeologist - Consultancy Services for Development of New Water Sources and Expansion of Water Treatment Plant for Iringa Municipality.

July, 2019 to February, 2020:Team leader – Comprehensive water quality assessment for Tanzania Cigarette Public Company Limited (Dar es Salaam), TEMEKE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, DAR ES SALAAM REGION.  

April-May, 2019 – Team member: Earth Resistivity Tomography Study on the Proposed Matemwe- Muyuni Road, Zanzibar for Detecting Sinkholes and Caves.

Client: Ministry of Infrastructures, Communication and Transport, Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar.

10th December, 2018 – March, 2019: Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader under Bureau for Industrial Cooperation (BICO) of the University of Dar Es Salaam: BOREHOLE AND STORAGE TANK DISINFECTION at JTI Tanzania Cigarette Public Company Limited (Dar es Salaam), TEMEKE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, DAR ES SALAAM REGION. Cleaning of boreholes, ground and elevated tanks, disinfections of boreholes, ground and elevated tanks using chlorine solution. 

Client: JTI Tanzania Cigarette Public Company Limited (Dar es Salaam)

May - July, 2018: Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader under Bureau for Industrial Cooperation (BICO) of the University of Dar Es Salaam: Groundwater resources assessment using Hydrogeological and Geophysical Surveys at JTI Tanzania Cigarette Public Company Limited (Dar es Salaam), TEMEKE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, DAR ES SALAAM REGION. Borehole development and cleaning, Testing pumping exercise (4 steps 3hours each, constant test 72 hours and recovery test 6 hours). Client: JTI Tanzania Cigarette Public Company Limited (Dar es Salaam)

November, 2017: Team member: Geophysical investigations using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) method to assess potential sites for construction of Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) at a proposed graphite mine in Mahenge, Ulanga district council, Morogoro region


November, 2017: Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader: Borehole Drilling supervison, Development/Cleaning and Pumping Tests for 1 Borehole at Kipawa Libermann Pre & Primary Eng Medium School, Kipawa Area, Ilala Municipal Dar Es Salaam Region. Constant test pumping for six (6) hours.


September, 2017: Team member: Hydrogeological and geophysical investigations for groundwater resources potential at the proposed One Stop Inspection Station (OSIS), Muhalala village, Manyoni district, Singida region. Client: Impresa di Costruzioni Ing. E. Mantovani S.p.A of Italy

May-June, 2015: Team member: Electromagnetic (EM) conductivity and Seismic refraction survey for the proposed Farkwa dam site for water supply and power generation 

Client: Ministry of Water of the government of Tanzania 

April, 2014: Team memberHydrogeological and geophysical survey for groundwater in 600 hectares at Kilimanjaro coffee plantations, Moshi rural district, Kilimanjaro region

ClientKilimanjaro Plantations Limited (KPL Ltd) 

14-24th April, 2014:Resource Person: Training on Groundwater exploration and exploitation for Rufiji 

Basin Water Board in Morogoro under Environmental Heritage Company Limited.

August to September 2013:Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader: Morogoro Rural District in the National Water Supply and Sanitation Project (NWSSP). Groundwater investigations using geohydrological, geophysical (resistivity and magnetic) methods in Seven (7) selected villages. Subcontracted: by Don Consult LTD - Client:  Morogoro Rural District Council and Ministry of Water 

July, 2013:Team member: groundwater investigations using geohydrological, Geophysical (resistivity and magnetic) methods in Kiomboi and Manyoni towns of the Singida region Under Don Consult carried out in the Water Sector Development Project (WSDP) 

Client: Singida Urban Water Supply Authority and Ministry of Water

2010 – 2013: Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader for SPENCON Services Ltd: Singida Urban Water Supply Improvement, Tanzania

Client: Singida Urban Water Supply Authority and Ministry of Water. Funded by BADEA and 


June – November, 2012:Technical Supervisor: Groundwater Development, Management and Capacity Assessment for Private Well Drilling Companies (DDCAP) in the United Republic of Tanzania. Client: Ministry of Water (MoW), DDCA - Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) under Bureau of Industrial Cooperation (BICO), University of Dar es Salam.

2010: Team member: National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (NWSSP) Project: Groundwater investigations using geohydrological and geophysical (resistivity) methods in the Rufiji, Mkuranga and Mafia District Councils, Coast region, Tanzania under NETWAS (T) Ltd|Client: Ministry of Water (MoW) and three district councils, World Bank supported project

2009: Team Member

Project: Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation (STWSSP), Kibiti Small Town, under SPENCON 

Services (T) Ltd. Client: Ministry of Water (MoW) and DAWASA, Funded by French Government


2009: Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader: Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Project (STWSSP), Ikwiriri Town, under ATLANTIC (T) Co. Ltd. Client: Ministry of Water (MoW) and DAWASA. Funded by French Government

2004/2005: Team member/Consultant/Contractor

Project: Kilwa Kisiwani Water Supply, Kilwa District, Lindi, Tanzania under the Department of 

Geology, University of Dar Es Salaam. Groundwater investigations using geohydrological and geophysical (resistivity) methods, supervision of drilling programs, pump installation, pumping test data analysis, and training of well care takers.

Client: French Embassy through the cooperation and cultural Service of the Embassy of France in Tanzania

2004/2005: Team member: National Rural water Supply and Sanitation (NWSSP) second year investment program. Groundwater investigations using geohydrological and geophysical (resistivity and magnetic) methods, in the selected villages (10 villages in each district) of the Morogoro rural, Singida rural and Iramba districts under Don Consult Ltd 

Client: Tanzanian government and World Bank

2004: Supervisor and Surveyor: Second year investment program of the National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (NWSSP). Groundwater investigations using geohydrological, Geophysical (resistivity and magnetic) methods and Supervision of drilling programs in two selected villages of the Mpwapwa District Council, Dodoma, Tanzania under Don Consult Ltd 

Client: Ministry of Water (MoW) and Mpwapwa district council, Funded by Word Bank 

2003: Project Hydrogeologist and Team Leader

Groundwater investigations using geohydrological and geophysical (magnetic) methods 

and interpretation of Topographical and Geological maps, Aerial photographs and Magnetic data for Groundwater well sitting at Mawelewele, Iringa municipality. Under KFW – Germany

Client: Ministry of Water (MoW) and IRUWASA. Funded by Germany Government

2003:  Supervisor and Surveyor: First year investment program for the National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (NWSSP). groundwater investigations using geohydrological, Geophysical (resistivity and magnetic) methods and Supervision of drilling programs in seven selected villages of the Mpwapwa District Council, Dodoma region under Don Consult Ltd

Client: Ministry of Water (MoW) and Mpwapwa district council, Funded by Word Bank

1994-1995:         Team member: Zanzibar Urban Water Supply ProjectGroundwater investigations using geohydrological, Geophysical methods. Client: Ministry of Water (MoW) government of Zanzibar, Funded by ADB.



  1. Mohamed Moustapha Ndam Njikam Ebengué Atéga Philippe Lionel d a,Arsène Meyinga, Alessandra Ribodettib, Zanga Amougou Alainc, , Nabeel Afzal Butt e 5 and Majura A. M. Songo (2024). 3D structural modelling approach by discretization of a basic structural map associated with magnetic data. Journal of Engineering and Technology.
  2. De Schutter A.1., Kervyn M.1., Canters F.1, Bosshard-Stadlin S.A, Songo M., Mattsson H.B., (2015). Remote sensing mapping of ash fall impact on vegetation: The Oldoinyo Lengai 2007-08 eruption. Journal of Applied Volcanology.
  3. J. Albarica,b,*, J. Perrota,b, J. Déverchèrea,b, A. Deschampsc, B. Le Galla,b, R.W. Ferdinandf, C. Petitd, C. Tiberie, C. Suea,b, M. SongofContrasted seismogenic and rheological behaviours from shallow and deep earthquake sequences in the North Tanzanian Divergence, East Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 799–811.
  4. Kazue TAZAKI, Ryuji ASADA, Hiroaki WATANABE, Koichi SHIRAKI, Takamasa IWAI, Rie WAKIMOTO, Majura SONGO and Sospeter MUHONGO. Clays and bacteria carry important role to release Hg from small scale Au mine near Lake Victoria, Tanzania: The Science Report of Kanazawa University, Japan, Vol 52, 2008.
  5. Songo M A M (1998). Gemstone mining in the Kilosa district, Morogoro Region Tanzania; “Problems and Possible solutions” A paper presented and published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Small scale Mining in African Countries “Prospects and Policy” held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 29-30th September, 1997.