Florence Jovinary Peter is an assistant lecturer at the Institute of Marine Sciences of the University of Dar es Salaam. He teaches Fishery-related courses. He holds a BSc in Aquatic Science and Fisheries and an MSc in Marine Sciences from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He also holds another MSc in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management from the Vrije University of Brussels, Belgium. He is also a co-founder and director of PMFZ AQUAFARM CO.LTD where he executes project planning and management in fisheries and aquaculture. Currently, Mr. Peter is pursuing a PhD at the University of Dar es Salam where his interests are in Production and the trade of reef ornamental fish. Mr. Peter has built his career in fisheries for about 5 years now. Before joining the University of Dar es Salaam, he worked with different international and local organizations such as Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), NIPE-FAGIO, SMART-FISH, Swio-Fish and SIDA where he built his career for 7 years
Marine pollution (Marine litter, Macroplastics and microplastics). To determine their quantification, source, manufacturer, effect, and solutions-based management).
Reef ornamental fish - Abundance, genetics, color enhancement and production
Fisheries - Population structure, stock assessment and Scuba diving.
Marine litter monitoring - it was conducted between 2019 to 2021 at Nipe-Fagion a non-governmental organization. It intended to quantify macro and meso litter along the beach of the Indian Ocean on the Dar es salaam coast. But also to know the manufacturers through brand and waste audits.
Ornamental fish trade: The project aims to know the status of the ornamental fish trade status in prices, market, handling, legal information, and trade in general and how it is conducted.
Title: "Seasonal difference in marine litter along the coast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania" (https://www.ajol.info/index.php/wiojms/article/view/259473