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Ms. Asha Ibrahim


College of Humanities

Philosophy and Religious Studies


From 2018 to 2021, I studied for a Master of Arts in Ethics of Governance and Public Service at the University of Dar es Salaam.

From 2015 to 2018, I studied for a Bachelor of Arts with Education (English and Literature) (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania).

  • I participated in various research projects as a team member of SMUS—MOOCS (Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability—Massive Online Open Course)—a project titled Developing online modules on gender inequalities and social inclusion of persons with disabilities, women, children & elderly persons (July 2021-October 2021).
  • The team member of the Children Dignity Forum (CDF) Baseline survey “Haki ya Binti Phase 2” project aims at addressing multiple forms of violence against women and girls in Tarime (Mara), Mpwapwa (Dodoma), and Ilemela (Mwanza) districts in Tanzania over three years. (2021)
  • Team member of Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS) in developing the Gender Operational Plan (GOP) for the National HIV Response in Tanzania Mainland 201/19-2022/23.
  • I researched sexual harassment and its Influence on Female Students’ Dropout rate in Temeke Municipal Council in the Dar es Salaam region under the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), 2020

Research Interest

I am interested in researching gender issues in society.




I am currently participating as a facilitator in the Virtual Exchange on Religious Euro-African Dialogue (VEREAD) project, an initiative of the European Union. Through collaboration with European nations, this project teaches university students how to engage with people of diverse religions and cultures
