Prof Dr Elliott Phillemons Niboye is Associate Professor of Demography and Development Studies at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He graduated with a Dr.rer.soc.oec in Social Demography from Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria in 2000. In 1995, was awarded a Grad Dip. Environment. Management & Development (with merit) from Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia. He also possesses a MA in Demography and B.Ed (Sc) (Upper Second Class), both from the University Of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Prof Dr Niboye has carried out consultancies, produced reports and published on a wide range of developmental issues. He has been a consultant for a number of local and international organizations and has carried out research in areas of social economic security in urban areas and special rural settlements, adaptations in stressed environments, globalisation, HIV/AIDS, evaluations of public funded projects, environmental resource use, child labour, population dynamics and demography.
Despite teaching and researching and consulting, Prof Niboye is involved in supervising PhD and MA graduate students at the University of Dar es Salaam and other Universities as well. He is also an external examiner for Development Studies and Demography at various local and international Universities.
A Study on Pathways to Enhancing Livelihood Sustainability among Mono-
Cash Crop Small holder Farmers in Tanzania: The Case of Mtwara, Kagera and Kilimanjaro Regions, Commissioned by UDSM DVC Research (2021-22)
Study on International Land Deals in Tanzania and its impact on Rural Sector, commissioned by Organization of Social Sciences Research in Africa, OSSERIA (2010-2012).
Study on Privatization of Gold Mining Industry and Its Socio-economic effects on Artisanal and Small–scale Miners in Tanzania, commissioned by Research on Poverty Alleviation, REPOA (2009-2011).
Study on Impact of Transformation of Pastoralism and Enhancement of Local Range Management Practices in Kagera Sub-Basin, commissioned by Lake Victoria Research Initiative (2009- 2011).
Study on mechanisms of strengthening community responses to increasing numbers of young people affected by HIV/AIDS, commissioned by UNESCO- NAIROBI (2008-2009).
With Hasa Mlawa (IDS) and Pantaleon Chuwa (COSTECH): A Assessment of the State of Biotechnology in Tanzania, a study commissioned by UNU- MERRIT, The Netherlands (2007-2007).
Assistance for the Preparatory Phase of the Tanzania Science, Technology and Innovation System Reform Project Submitted and accepted by UNESCO, Paris, 2007 Pp 1-36 Co-authored with Prof Hasa Mlawa (IDS) (2008-2008)
Science, Technology and Innovation in Tanzania: A Guideto the Conduct of the International Review Submitted and accepted by UNESCO, Paris, 2008 Pp 1- 45 Co-authored with Prof Hasa Mlawa (IDS) (2007-2007).
Assistance for the Reform of the Tanzanian Science, Technology and Innovation System Submitted and accepted by UNESCO, Paris, 2007 Pp 1-37 Co-authored with Prof Hasa Mlawa (IDS) (2006-2006).
In collaboration with Prof Peter Kopoka: A Rapid Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Plastic Ban in Tanzania, Conducted for the National Environment Management Council (NEMC) (2003-2003).
With F. Chizimbi and S. Katende:A Baseline Assessment of Current Capacity
and Needs for HIV/AIDS Response in the PORALG, Conducted for the UNDP in collaboration with TACAIDS (2003 -2003).
In collaboration with ProfHasa Mlawa, A study on Social PolicyFramework for Africa: Tanzania Report, carried out for ILO Africa Office Addis Ababa (2003-2003).
In collaboration with Prof Hasa Mlawa and others, A Study on Emerging Issues in Science and Technology for Food Security and Sustainable Development in Africa, carried out for Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Addis Ababa (July 2003).
In collaboration with Prof HasaMlawa and others,Evaluation of HIV-AIDS and Child Labour in Tanzania. Conducted for the International LabourOrganisation, Dar es Salaam Office (July, 2002).
In collaboration with Prof Hasa Mlawa and others, A Study on a Socio Economic Security of Two Ex-Ujamaa Villages in CoastRegion: Conducted for the International Labour Organisation, Geneva (December, 2001).
In collaboration with Prof Hasa Mlawa and others, A Study on a Socio- Economic Security of In-migrants in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania: carried out for the International Labour Organisation, Geneva (December, 2001).
With the IDS Research Team: An Evaluation of NGO/Trade Union Socio- economic Security: The Case of TUICO, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Carried out for the International Labour Organization, Geneva (December, 2001).
In collaboration with A. Simile (Mzumbe University), A. Mtatifikolo (UMATI), An Evaluation of the Public Sector Community Based Distribution (CBD) Program in Tanzania: A Study conducted for the Reproductive and Child Health Section (RCHS) of the Ministry of Health, December (2000).
A Feasibility Studyand Environmental Impact Assessment of a Proposed Safari Tented Camp in Ruaha National Park in Southern Tourist Circuit, Tanzania: A study conducted for a developer, Coastal Travels Ltd. (1997).
National Inventory of Natural Resources and Environmental Related Projects in Tanzania, presented to the National Environment Management Council, (NEMC)
A Member of a Task Force for the Socio-Economic Group in a Tanzania National Bio-diversity Study with F. Sechambo (IRA, UDSM) and Mr.Yonazi, Principal Forest Economist, (Ministry of Natural Resources, Tourism and Environment), Responsible for Demographic and Related Cultural Issues.
(United Nations Environment Program / NEMC)
The Feasibility Studyon the priority areas for expansion of Marie Stopes Clinics in Tanzania, A PSI/Marie Stopes Project (1996).
A Countrywide Inventory of the Completed and on-going Applied Research in Tanzania: A Study Conducted for Southern Africa Development Cooperation (SADC), Environment and Land Management Sector Coordination Unit, Maseru, Lesotho
A Demographic Survey on Knowledge, Acceptance and Practice of Family Planning and AIDS Awareness in Dar es Salaam Industries (Tanzania Occupational Health Services (TOHS) and World Population Council)
With Prof. A. Mturi (Statistics Department, University of Dar es Salaam): The Analysis of Some Socio-Economic Parameters of the 1988 Tanzania Population Census
A Social Impact Assessment on Environment Conservation in Morogoro Region: A study conducted forthe Tanzania Environment Society (1992).
With Cultural Survival (A Canadian NGO): The Community Agro-Forestry Project - The identification of indigenous tree species of economic importance in Tanzania Highlands: Morogoro, Iringa, Mbeya and Ruvuma Regions (1992).
The Study of Some Socio-Economic Factors and their Interrelationship with Population Variables in Dodoma, Tanzania: In collaboration with Demographic Unit, University of Dar es Salaam (1989).
A Baseline Survey to ascertain the High Prevalence Rates of Child Mortality
in Bagamoyo District: In collaboration with Demographic Unit, University of Dar es Salaam (1991).
Journal Articles
E.P. Niboye, ‘The Socio-economic Dynamics limiting actions to combat Child Labour in Tanzania: The Case of Small Scale Gold Mining Communities in Tabora Region’ Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 13, No. 1 (2024), pp 39-58. Dar es Salaam University College of Education, ISSN Online: 2467-4745 ISSN Print: 1821-7427
E.P. Niboye, ‘Universal or specific? - Violence against Women in PublicSpaces in Tanzania: Experiences from Public Bus Transport in Dar es Salaan City, Social Science and Humanities Open, Vol. 7 (2023), Elsevier,
E.P. Niboye, ‘Globalization and Its Challenges: Reflections on Social Order and Chaos through the Prism of Social Nomos-Anomie Concept’ The African Review, Vol 50, Issue 1, (2023), Brill Publications ISSN: 0856-0056 (print) 1821-889X (online).
E.P. Niboye ‘Parenting Practices and Attitudes that Instigate and Perpetuate Child Labour in Mining Communities in Tanzania’ Tanzania Journal of Development Studies, Vol 20 No. 1 (2022), UDSM
M.K. Malima and E.P. Niboye, ‘Institutional Bottlenecks Stifling Efforts for Monitoring and Preventing Child Labour in Small-Scale Gold Mines in Tanzania’ SN Social Science (2022) 2: 108, Springer Nature Journal, Switzerland AG 2022. Pp 27
E.P. Niboye, ‘Re-joining Formal Schooling After a Postpartum Hiatus: Experiences of Teenage Mothers of Zanzibar’ Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences, UDSM/DUCE, Vol. 10, No.6, 2021 pp. 1-21
J. Kahimba and E.P.Niboye, ‘From raising alarms to soundpractices: the impacts
of water sector reforms on communities in Tanzania’ African Geographical Review, Routledge/Francis and Taylor, DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2021.189249,
E.P. Niboye and Ngwaru F., ‘Local Resilience to Natural Hazards in Zimbabwe: Experiences from Mhondoro-Ngezi Rural Communities’, Tanzania Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol 18, No.1, 2020
E.P. Niboye and Ngwaru Farai, “Linking Local Community and National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies for Effective Disaster Mitigation: Lessons from Zimbabwe”. Researchon Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2020 ISSN 2224-5766 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0484 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-2-09.
J. Kahimba and E.P. Niboye, “Water-use Permits and Water Accessibility for Livestock in Tanzania” Tanzania Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol. 17, No. 2 2019. Pp 45-56. ISSN 0856 9922 (Print), eISSN31 (Online).
Peter S. Seminono and E.P. Niboye, ‘Analysis of the Patterns of Smallholder Farmers’ Responses to Production Shocks in Tanzania: The Case of Rufiji, Mbarali and Sumbawanga Districts’. AmericanInternational Journal of Social Science, Vol 8, No.4 Dec 2019. doi: 10.30845/aijss.v8n4p6
Peter S. Semiono and E.P. Niboye, ‘Assessment of Intervention Strategies for Addressing Agricultural Production Shocks in Tanzania: The Case of Rufiji, Mbarali and Sumbawanga Districts’. Journalof Sustainable Development; Vol. 12, No. 6; 2019, ISSN 1913-9063 E-ISSN 1913-9071, Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Peter S. Semiono and E.P. Niboye, ‘Perceptions of Smallholder Farmers on Land use Conflicts in Rufiji District, Tanzania’, International Journal of Science Arts and Commerce, ISSN: 0249-5368, Vol. 4 No 9, September-2019
E.P. Niboye, “International Labour Out-Migration in Mzimba District, Malawi: Why Persistent?” Tanzania Journal of Population Studies and Development, UDSM. Vol. 26 No. 1 of 2019. Pp 20-37
E.P. Niboye, A Book Review: Dambisa F. Moyo’s Winner Take All– China’s Race for Resources and What It Means for Us. Allen Lane, Penguin Books Paperback, 2012, ISBN 978-7-646-14503-2, Pp.257. Tanzania Journalof Development Studies, UDSM, Vol. 17 No. 1 of 2019. Pp. 127-131. ISSN0856 9922 (Print), eISSN31
E.P. Niboye, ‘Fishers’ Livelihoods Dynamics in the Wake of Declining Fisheries in Lake Victoria, Tanzania: Lessons from Bwiro, Mazinga and Lukuba Islands’. Tanzania Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol. 16 No. 2, 2018. Pp. 1-33,
ISSN 0856 9922(Print), eISS31 (Online).
E.P. Niboye, ‘The Fallacy of International Land Deals in Transforming the Rural Sector Lessons from Tanzania’ Tanzania Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol.15, No. 1 and 2. 2017, ISSN 08556 9922, eISSN 2591 6831
Kabote, S., E.P. Niboye and Nombo C, ‘Performance in Mathematics and Science Subjects: A Gender Perspective for Selected Primary Schools in Rural and Urban Tanzania’ International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, Vol. 2 No. 3, September, 2014, DOI: 10.15640/ijgws.v2n3a6
E.P. Niboye, ‘Demystifying Misconceptions and Stereotypes in Pastoral Production Systems in Sub Saharan Africa’ Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences Vol. IX, Issue 1, December, 2014
E.P. Niboye, ‘Civic Participation in Democratisation Process in Tanzania’ Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol.12 No.2 of 2013.
E.P. Niboye and Kabote, J. ‘Agricultural Transformation and Population Nexus: Lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa’ Special UTAFITI Journal, UDSM, 1 and 2, pp111- 131, March
E.P. Niboye, ‘Effectiveness of Non- governmental Organizations in the Rehabilitation of Street Children – Experiences from Selected NGOs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’ Journal of Education and Practice, Vol 4 .No.1, 2013, ISSN 2222- 288X (Online version) ISSN 2222-1735 ((Paper Version).
E.P. Niboye, ‘Climate Change and Variability Implication on Livelihood Diversification in RuralCommunities of North Eastern Tanzania’ OrientJ ournal of Law and Social Sciences Vol. VI, Issue 7, October
Kabote, S and E.P. Niboye, “Trends in HIV/AIDS Voluntary Testing in Tanzania: A Case of Njombe Urban, Njombe Region’, Research on Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, Vol.2 No. 11, 2012ISSN: 2222 2862(Online version), ISSN
2222 1719 (Paper Version)
E.P. Niboye, L.J. Kisoza, F. Wanda, M. Lwakaikala, and J. Nduwamungu, ’Impact of Policy and Legal Reforms on Pastoral System in Lower Kagera Basin, North Western Tanzania’, A Paper Presented at Land Use and Natural Resources Management Cluster Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya, October, 2011. VICRES Workshop Proceeding, 2012.
E.P. Niboye, F. Wanda, G. Magezi, L.J. Kisoza, S. Rwakaikala and J. Nduwamungu, ‘Impact of Grazing Pressure on Surface water quality in the pastoral
areas of Kagera Sub-Basin, A Paper Presented at Land Use and Natural Resource Management Cluster Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya, October, 2011. VICRES Workshop Proceeding, 2011.
E.P. Niboye, ‘An Analysis of Livelihood Diversifications in Artisanal Mining Communities: Trends before and after Privation of Bulyanhulu Gold fields in Kahama District, Tanzania’ Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences Vol. V, Issue 11, October, 2011
Kabote, S, and E.P. Niboye, ‘Gender Equity in Primary Education in Artisanal Mining Communities: Lessons from Kahama District in Rural Tanzania’ Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, Vol XXV, No.1. Jan – Jun 2011.
E.P. Niboye, ‘Vegetation Cover Changes in Ngorongoro Conservation Area from 1975 to 2000: The Importance of Remote Sensing Images’ Open Geography Journal, Vol 3, 2010, Pp 15-27, Bentham Publications. ISSN: 1874-9232
E.P. Niboye, ‘The Impacts of Changing Pastoral Strategies on Environmental Resources and Livelihoods in Lake Victoria Basin’. A Published Report, Five chapters, OSSERIA Publications, 2010. ISBN: 978-99944-55-44-7
Kahimba, J. and E.P. Niboye, ‘Grass-root Participation in Water Governance in Tanzania: the Case of Water User Associations (WUAs) in Kimani sub-Catchment of the Usangu Plains’ Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol. 8. No. 2, September, 2007
E.P. Niboye, ‘Challenges to Peaceful Political Integration in Eastern Africa: The Case of Small Arms Proliferation in the Tanzania’ Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences, Vol II, Issues 9, August 2008. Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Kashaga, F. and E.P. Niboye, ‘The Challenges of Globalisation in Africa: Reflections of Young African Intellectual’ Journal of Africa Studies, (AFRIKA tanulmányok) Vol.1 No.1 of May, 2007. University of Pecs. Budapest, Hungary.
E.P. Niboye, ‘The Effects of Breastfeeding and Its co-variates on Infant and Child Mortality: Some Evidence from Dodoma Region’. Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol. 7 No.1 of March, 2004.
E.P. Niboye, ‘Globalisation and Its Challenges to Social Management: Ethical Reflections on Social Order and Chaos’ in UONGOZI: Journal of Management Development, Vol. 18 issue No.1 of June, 2006. Mzumbe University. Tanzania.
E.P. Niboye, ‘Effects of Market Imperfection on the Environment’, Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol. 5 No. 1, March, 2004
E.P. Niboye, ‘The Dynamics of Socio-Economic Security of Urban Migrants in Dar es Salaam: An Empirical Study of Manzese and Vingunguti Wards’ Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol. 5 No. 3, December, 2004
E.P. Niboye, A Book Review: ‘Multiparty Elections and Corruption in Tanzania, with Special Reference to 2000 Elections’, Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol. 4 No. 1, March, 2004
E.P. Niboye, ‘Accounting for Environmental Integrity: A Way of Achieving Sustainability’, Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2003.
E.P. Niboye, ‘Globalisation: A Precursor to Social Chaos or a Panacea to Social Inequalities’ Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol. 4 No. 2September, 2003.
E.P. Niboye, ‘Livelihood Security and Adaptations in Stressed Rural Environments – The Dynamics of Change in Arumeru District’, Journal of Development Studies, UDSM, Vol. 4 No.1, March, 2003
E.P. Niboye, and H. Mlawa and others, ‘A Study of the Socio-Economic Security of the Dar es Salaam In-Migrants’, ILO Publications, Geneva., 2002.
Book Chapters
Kabote, S.J., Niboye, E.P. and Ringo, J.J. (2014). International land deals and rural poverty reduction in Kisarawe District, Tanzania: in International Land Deals in Eastern and Southern Africa (edited by Paschal B. Mihyo). Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA). Pp. 99-121, 2014.
Niboye, E.P. ‘Provision of Life Skills Education to Orphans for Poverty Eradication: Lessons from Orphanage Centres in Temeke District, Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania’ A Chapter in a Book titled "Development of Education: Emerging Dimensions in 21st Century” edited by D. Pulla Rao, Manglam Publications, New Delhi, India, 2013, ISBN : 978-93-81142-86- 8
Niboye E. P and Kabote, S. J. ‘Issues in Pastoral Production System in the Past Fifty Years of Tanzania’s Independence’ A Chapter in a Book titled
Agriculture in Fifty years of Tanzania’ edited by Urassa Kallisti, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2012. ISBN: 978-3-659-21059-4 Pp 36 – 58