Head of Department, EPCS – Dr. Wadrine Maro
The Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies was established in July 2009 following the restructuring of the University of Dar es Salaam in 2009. In this restructuring, the Faculty of Education was transformed into the School of Education. Thus, the Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies (EPCS) is a result of merger of the former Department of Educational Psychology, and the Department of Curriculum and Teaching. The Department, accordingly, comprises of two major academic areas, namely psychology and curriculum studies.
The Department is managed through three committees each headed by a chair. The committees are Undergraduate Programmes Committee; Research, Postgraduate Programmes and Professional Development Committee; and Special Programmes and Publicity Committee. The 3 committee chairs constitute the Departmental Committee, which is chaired by the Head of Department. The Head of Department (HoD) is the overall in-charge of the department.
The Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum studies hosts the Special Education Units, which coordinates the provision of services to students with disabilities at the University of Dar es Salaam.
The main function of the credits is to ensure that students with disabilities access basic academic, administrative and social services that, as far as possible, enable them to undertake their studies and enjoy life on campus like other students.
The first students with disabilities to enrol at the University of Dar es Salaam were two visually impaired students in the academic year 1978/79. By 2011/2012, a total of 234 students with disabilities were enrolled at the University of Dar es Salaam, with 194 male (83%) and 40 female (17%). The majority of students with disabilities enrolled at the University of Dar es Salaam are in the categories of physical disabilities (58%), blindness (30%), albinism and low vision (6%), and hearing impairment (5%).
The day to day activities of the Units are supervised by a Head assisted by the staff members in the credits. The Head of Special Education Units is responsible to the Dean of the School of Education through the Head of the Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies.
Further information about the programmes and services offered by the department, please contact:
Head of Department,
Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies,
School of Education building (along Changanyikeni road),
Office No.221,
P.O.Box 35048,
University of Dar es Salaam,
Email: epcs@edu.udsm.ac.tz.
(i) The Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies offers two undergraduate degree programmes and these are:
(ii) Additionally, the department offers several courses to secondary school student teachers in the College of Humanities CoHU, College of Social Sciences (CoSS), and the College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CONAS), leading to the award of:
(ii) The department also offers three master`s degree programmes: