Head of Department, EFMLL– Dr. George Kahangwa
The Educational Foundations, Management and Lifelong Learning (EFMLL) was established in July 2009 following the restructuring of the University of Dar es Salaam in 2009. In this restructuring, the Faculty of Education was transformed into the School of Education, and the six departments were merged into the three departments, namely the Department of Educational Foundations, Management and Lifelong Learning (EFMLL); the Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies (EPCS); and the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science (PESS). Thus, EFMLL is a combination of the former Educational Management, Educational Foundations and Adult Education departments. The Department comprises three major academic areas, namely Educational Foundations, Management and Adult Education.
Department of Educational Foundations, Management and Lifelong Learning offers two undergraduate degree programmes:
Additionally, the department supports the offering of several courses to secondary school student teachers in the College of Social Sciences (COSS), College of Humanities (CoHU) and the College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CONAS), leading to the award of:
2. Postgraduate Programmes
EFMLL offers two master`s degree programmes:
The department also supports the offering of school wide programmes, namely;
Additionally, the department offers several courses to secondary school student teachers in the College of Social Sciences (COSS), College of Humanities (CoHU) and the College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CONAS), leading to the award of:
The department is a home for the following members of Academic staff
Head of Department
Dr. George Kahangwa
Emeritus Professor
Prof. Abel Ishumi
Full Professor
Prof. W. A. L. Anangisye
Associate Professor
Prof. Victor Mlekwa
Prof. Eustella Bhalalusesa
Senior Lecturers
Dr. Hillary A. Dachi
Blackson Kanukisya
Mpoki Mwaikokesya
Dr. Raymond Boniface
Dr. Lulu Mahai
Dr. Fortunatha Matiba
Dr. Thaudensia Ndeskoi
Dr. Nkanileka Loti Mgonda
Dr. Gennes Shirima
Dr. Joseph Pesambili
Dr. Amina Naseeb Kamando
Dr. Moshi Amsi Mislay
Dr. Afrael Sarakikya
Dr. Romwald Hyera
Dr. Peter Simon Ngalomba
Dr. Harun Magosho
Dr. Ahadi Anania
Dr. Benjamin Mbughi
Dr. Yohana William
Dr. Ntimi Mtawa
Dr. Juliana Bachilula
Assistant Lecturers
Ms. Diana Masebo
Mr. Daud N. Massima
Mr. Elisante Mutoka
Mr. Maximilian Mgeni
Mr.Justo Mathew
Mr.Albert Chagula
Mr. Mackdonald Mwagu
Ms. Lilian Kireku
Administrative Staff
Office Management Secretary
Ms. Mariam D. Mundekesye
Department of Educational Foundations Management and Lifelong Learning,
School of Education,
University of Education,
P.O. Box 35048,
Dar es Salaam
Office Number 212, 1st floor
School of Education building
Changanyikeni Road