Dr Albert Paulo Tarmo

  1. Name:  Albert Paulo Tarmo
  2. Sex: Male
  3. Designation: Lecturer
  4. Contacts:

                    Postal address: University of Dar es Salaam,

                                             School of Education,

                                             P.O Box 35048,

                                             Dar es Salaam-Tanzania

                    Visiting address:

                                            University of Dar es Salaam,

                                            Changanyikeni Road,

                                            School of Education Building,

                                            Office number 311


                      Mobile phone (s): +255 (0)769256663


                     E-mail address: or


5.  Area of Interest:

  • Science education,
  • Technology education,
  • Teacher education,
  • Pedagogy,
  • Curriculum
  • Secondary education


6.  Academic and professional roles:


  • Teaching undergraduate, masters and PhD courses
  • Researching in science and technology education
  • Research consultant in Education
  • Coordinating postgraduate programmes at the School of Education
  • Editorial board member of the Paper in Education and Development, Journal of the School of the School of Education.


7.    Educational and professional history

Tarmo holds PhD in education from the Centre for International Education and Development, University of Sussex UK. Previously, he taught Biology and Chemistry in secondary school in Tanzania before joining Songea Teachers College as a Tutor in Biology, Educational Measurements and Evaluation and ICT in Education. In 2010, Tarmo was employed by the University of Dar es Salaam, School of Education as a Tutorial Assistant in the department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies. Tarmo also holds Bachelor of Education in Science and Master of Education in Science Education, both from the University of Dar es Salaam.


8.  Research and consultancy:

  • World Bank’s Teach Secondary Technical Advisory Board member.
  •  Training workshop on Pedagogical skills for University Academic Staff (instructors) who lack Educational Background (3rd – 7th June 2019).
  • Training workshop on Pedagogical skills for Ardhi University Academic Staff (instructors) who lack Educational Background (July 2019).
  • Training workshop on Pedagogical skills for University of Dar es Salaam Academic Staff (instructors) who lack Educational Background (Various dates).


9.  Publications:

Tarmo, A. P. (2019). Science Teachers’ Beliefs and the Epistemological Underpinnings of the Science Curriculum for Secondary Education in Tanzania. Papers in Education and Development, 37(2).


Tarmo, A. P. (2016). Pre-service science teachers’ epistemological beliefs and teaching reforms in Tanzania. Cogent Education 3(1), 117857.


Paulo, A. & Tilya, F. (2014).  The 2005 secondary school curriculum reforms in Tanzania: Disjunction between policy and practice in its implementation. Journal of Education and Practice 5(35), 114-122.

Paulo, A. (2014). Pre-service teacher’s preparedness to implement competence-based curriculum in secondary schools in Tanzania. International Journal of Education and Research 2(7) 219-230.

Paulo, A. (2014). Harnessing assessment’s power to improve students’ learning and raise achievements: What and how should teachers do? International Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Educational Research 8(1), 136-148.

Paulo, A. & Issa, T. (2013). Science teaching in developing countries: The contribution of outdoor activities on students’ learning of biology in Tanzanian secondary school. ResearchJournali’s Journal of Education, 1(1) 1-17.

Paulo, A. (2012). An investigation on the implementation of competence-based biology curriculum in diploma teacher training colleges in Tanzania. Unpublished Masters Dissertation. University of Dar es Salaam.