UDSM transforms its Quality Assurance Unit for efficacy

Tue, 18.Jul.2023 16.14

By Jackson Isdory, CMU 

In an ambitious move to ensure excellent and comprehensive quality assurance, the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) has recently transformed its Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) by, among other things, formulating three departments for its effective functioning.

The newly introduced departments include the Department of Quality Assurance in Teaching and Learning; the Department of Quality Assurance in Research, Publications and Innovation and Department of Quality Assurance in Support Services.

Following this move, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. William A. L. Anangisye, has appointed    three heads of department who are experts in related fields.  Appointed heads are Dr. Blackson Kanukisya, Department of Quality Assurance in Teaching and Learning, Dr. Catherine Masao, Department of Quality Assurance in Research, Publications, and Innovation and Dr. Gladness Salema, Department of Quality Assurance in Support Services.

According to the Director of Quality Assurance, Prof Pendo Malangwa, this transformation aims “to strengthen the university's commitment to teaching and learning, research, innovation and consultancy while emphasizing the importance of monitoring and evaluation at every step”.  

The changes, which have been received with enthusiasm from UDSM faculty members and administrators alike, are in line with UDSM Vision 2061 that outlines the core functions of the university, and thus serving as the driving force behind this reorganization.  The UDSM Vision 2061 spells that UDSM functions encompass teaching and learning, research, innovation and publications, and consultancy, knowledge exchange, and outreach services.

The UDSM Vision 2061 strongly affirms that “To effectively achieve the strategic objectives set forth by the university, a robust quality assurance framework must be in place, prioritizing the process rather than merely focusing on the output”.

Quality Assurance Policy 2021

The role of the UDSM Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) has been crucial in upholding standards and ensuring the university's commitment to high quality in various aspects related to the institution’s key functions.

The recently approved UDSM Quality Assurance (QA) Policy of 2021 provides that “The Unit shall have personnel and coordinators from University units, who will oversee the functionalities of teaching and learning, research, consultancy, public services and other administrative duties within their respective units. They shall also oversee the governance and administrative structures and service delivery”.

According to the QA Policy, QAU responsibilities have expanded into seven main areas to cover coordination and management of quality assurance activities; monitoring, evaluation, and reporting on governance structure; and monitoring, evaluation and reporting of teaching and learning processes.

Other areas include monitoring, evaluation and reporting of research, innovation, and publication; consultancy; public and social services; as well as strategic collaboration, partnership, and internationalization.

Numerous benefits

According to Prof. Pendo Malangwa, this strategic reorganization of QAU is anticipated to yield numerous benefits for the university. By expanding the scope of quality assurance, it has thus encompassed support services, such as student accommodation, health services, and infrastructure.

She further noted that, with this structure, UDSM creates a more holistic and student-centric educational environment. Additionally, the monitoring and evaluation of research, publications, and innovation activities cement strongly the university's commitment to academic advancement and societal impact.

“The shift from exclusively monitoring teaching and learning processes to encompassing support services, research, publications, and innovation activities will greatly benefit the university community as a whole”, said Prof. Malangwa.

“By embracing a comprehensive approach to quality assurance, the university ensures that all aspects of its operations align with its strategic objectives, as it continues to uphold its status as a leading higher education institution in Tanzania. The transformation will undoubtedly contribute more to the University growth and success,” said Ms Zamda George, a Public Relations Officer at CMU.