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About the Program

Certificate in Law program runs for one year. It aims to equip students with elementary principles of law. The program, therefore, prepares students for further legal studies or gives basic legal knowledge to those already working in other fields. The program is run by the University of Dar es Salaam at different centres in the country, including the main campus, Lumumba (Dar es Salaam), Ukonga (Dar es Salaam), Zanzibar, Arusha, Dodoma, and Mwanza.

Entry Requirements and the Admission Process

All candidates aspiring to join the programme must apply through the School of Law for admission. No centre is allowed to register a candidate without the admission letter issued to the candidate by the University of Dar es Salaam.

A candidate, before being admitted to the course, must have obtained the School Leaving Certificate at Ordinary Secondary Education at Division Three level and above.

A candidate who does not have such a certificate may be admitted in exceptional circumstances on the recommendation of the Dean.


The duration of study shall be for a maximum period of 2 semesters of full-time attendance. Candidates who wish to pursue the programme on a part-time basis shall be required to obtain special permission from the School Board provided the maximum duration for a candidate to remain enrolled in the programme shall not exceed two years. Teaching shall adhere to the Semester System of the University of Dar es Salaam.


  • Certificate in Law candidates must satisfy the examiners by attaining a minimum of 48 credits in compulsory courses and 48 credits in optional courses.
  • Examination in each course shall be by way of a written examination bearing 100%.
  • No candidate shall be eligible to sit for the Certificate in Law Examinations unless he or she has attended at least 60% of the seminars.
  • The School Board may award a pass with distinction to a Certificate in Law candidate who obtains a Grade “A” in four courses or Grade “B+” or above in 5 out of 7 courses taken at the Certificate in Law examination, excluding CL Communication Skills.
  • Where a candidate fails in one or two courses at “D” grade, he/she may, on the recommendation of the School Board, be permitted to re-sit the failed course(s) at a supplementary examination.
  • Where a candidate fails in two courses at “D” and “E” grades, he/she may, on the recommendation of the School Board, be permitted to re-sit the failed course(s) at a supplementary examination.
  • Where a candidate fails in two courses at “E” grade, he/she may, on the recommendation of the School Board, be permitted to repeat the year.
  • Where a candidate fails in three courses at “D” grade, he/she may, on the recommendation of the School Board, be permitted to repeat the year.
  • Where a candidate fails in three courses, two at “D” level, one at “E” grade, he/she may, on the recommendation of the School Board, be permitted to repeat the year.
  • Where a candidate fails in three courses, two at “E” level, one at “D” level, he/she shall be discontinued from studies.
  • Where a candidate fails in three courses at “E” level, he/she shall be discontinued from studies.
  • Where a candidate fails in CL Communication Skills, he/she may be permitted to re-sit the examination during the regular university examination session until he passes, provided that this shall not be beyond the two years allowed for a candidate to remain registered in the programme.

Kindly visit our website regularly for updates on when applications for admission are open. For more information on our programs, kindly download our prospectus.

Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Bachelor of Laws program runs for four years. It introduces students to principles of laws in Tanzania and equips them with skills necessary to master the legal profession. The School of Law has nearly 60 years of experience in providing Bachelor of Laws in Tanzania. We are proud to have a vast network of alumni working in different public and private offices; within and outside Tanzania.

The details of admission requirements, the conduct of examination, examination results and publication of grades are found in the prospectus.


Bachelor of Arts in Law Enforcement (BALE)

 Bachelor of Arts in Law Enforcement is a new program introduced in 2009. It runs for three years. It intends to equip law enforcers, or those aspiring to be, with necessary skills for swiftly discharging of their responsibilities. This course is ideal for, but not limited to those working or aspirant to work with security organs such as Police Force, Immigration Department, Fire and Rescue Department, Military, Drugs Enforcement Agencies, and Anti-corruption agencies. It is also ideal for those working with revenue authorities, customs offices, and private security firms. The details of admission requirements, the conduct of examination, examination results and publication of grades are found in the prospectus.



Postgraduate Diploma in Law

This program offers our students a specialised postgraduate education. Students are free to choose courses that best suit their career and personal needs. The program is ideal for law graduates who would want to sharpen their legal skills further in a shorter period. It runs for twelve months.

Master of Arts in Revenue Law and Administration (MARLA)

Uniquely interdisciplinary, this course aims to produce a cadre of leaders equipped with refined, specialised professional knowledge that would enable them re-position their respective organisations to meet the demands of today’s dynamic global economy. Specifically, it focuses on equipping candidates with advanced knowledge in revenue law and administration.

General Objectives

The programme aims at equipping students with advanced knowledge in revenue law and administration.

Specific Objectives

  • Acquainting candidates with knowledge, skills, attitudes and capabilities on taxation, customs policies and practices.
  • Enabling candidates to make a substantive and more effective contribution to tax or customs administration.
  • Enabling candidates to take an active part in tax or customs reforms.
  • Enabling candidates to plan and implement more effective taxation or customs policies and strategies.
  • Enabling candidates to perform new tasks relating to taxation or customs in a globalised economy.

Compulsory courses for those majoring in taxation

  • Tax Policy and Theory
  • Laws on Tax Administration
  • International Taxation
  • Advanced Taxation
  • Revenue Forecasting & Fiscal Analysis 1
  • Research Methods
  • Graduate Essay

Elective courses

  • Income Tax Law
  • Indirect Taxes
  • Capital Gains and Taxes on Property
  • Tax Crimes: Investigations & Prosecutions
  • Local Government Taxation
  • Tax Compliance and Risk Management

Master of Laws in Corporate and Commercial Law

This course provides in-depth training on the foundations of the contemporary legal principles that govern business and corporate transactions.

Compulsory courses

  • Advanced Corporate Law
  • Graduate Research Seminar
  • Advanced Banking Law
  • Economic and Cyber Crime Law
  • Graduate Essay

Elective courses

  • Specialized Commercial Entities
  • The Law and Financial Markets
  • Insurance Law and Technological Developments
  • Competition Law
  • Advanced Transactional Law

Master of Laws in Taxation

This course aims to train students on the principles and the law on income taxation.

Compulsory courses

  • Income Tax Law
  • Taxes on International Trade
  • Laws on Tax Administration
  • International Taxation
  • Indirect Taxes
  • Graduate Essay

Elective courses

  • Capital Gains and Taxes on Property
  • Tax Crimes: Investigations and Prosecution
  • Local Government Taxation
  • Advanced Taxation
  • Law of Trusts
  • International Trade and Finance Law

Master of Laws in Migration and Refugee Law

This course aims at exposing students to national regulation of international migration using the Immigration Act and the Refugees Act of Tanzania as a framework of analysis.

Compulsory courses

  • Citizenship Law
  • Immigration Law
  • Labour Migration Law
  • Refugee Law
  • Graduate Research Seminar
  • Graduate Essay

Master of Laws in Procedural Law and International Legal Practice

This program provides trainees with both advanced and specialised knowledge of rules of practice and procedure in domestic courts, international arbitral tribunals, as well as regional and international judicial bodies.

Compulsory courses

  • Advanced Civil Procedure
  • Advanced Criminal Procedure
  • Procedure and Practice in International Judicial Bodies
  • International Arbitration Law
  • Graduate Research Seminar
  • Graduate Essay

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree

The School offers PhD by thesis. Applicants must have a good Master’s of Law degree from the University of Dar es Salaam or any other recognised University by TCU. PhD takes a minimum duration of 36 months (three years). Application into PhD in law is centrally made at the University level through the Directorate of postgraduate studies. (See

Checklist for PhD Applicants

  • A well-written research proposal with a clear indication of the statement of a legal problem to be investigated, research questions or hypothesis, statement of objectives, proposed methodology and literature review.
  • Plagiarism receives no tolerance at the School. An applicant must ensure originality of his or her proposal.
  • The Tanzania Commission must translate certificates obtained from foreign universities for University.

Specialized Postgraduate Diploma in Law (SPGDL)

SPDGL provides specialised training in specific fields of law to holders of degrees other than Bachelor of Laws degree. The Primary objective of the SPGDL is to familiarise the student with the essentials of the law pertinent to one’s area of professional work and responsibilities. The course runs for 12 months.

Master of Laws: Coursework and Dissertation

The Master of Laws (LL.M Coursework and Dissertation) is a specialised advanced degree course designed to impart advanced knowledge of the chosen subjects and topics through intensive research and a firm theoretical grounding. This program gives a student greater flexibility in managing his or her studies. Most of the studying time is expected to be used in intensive field research. A prospective candidate must hold an LL. B degree from the University of Dar es Salaam or an accredited University or has satisfied the requirements for the award of such degree PROVIDED the said LL. B Degree shall be of GPA of 3.0 or above.

Postgraduate Fee Structure

S/N Programme Title Mode of Delivery Programme Status Duration Tuition Fee (TZS) Tuition Fee (US $)
1 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Law Thesis Fulltime 36 months 3,000,000 per year 4,020 per year
2 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Law Thesis Part time 60 months 3,000,000 per year 4,020 per year
3 Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL) Coursework and Report Fulltime 12 months 2,500,000 4,020
4 Specialised Postgraduate Diploma in Law (SPGDL) Coursework and Report Fulltime 12 months 2,500,000 4,020
5 Master of Laws (LL.M) Coursework and Dissertation Fulltime 18 months 5,000,000 6,030
6 Master of Laws (LL.M) Thesis Fulltime 24 months 7,000,000 8,040
7 Master of Arts in Revenue Law and Administration Taught LL.M. Fulltime 18 months 7,000,000 8,040
8 Master of Arts in Revenue Law and Administration Taught LL.M. Evening 24 months 7,000,000 8,040

* The above fee structure is subject to change without notice. Kindly visit this website for updates.

PhD Graduates 2017

In 2017, the School had the following PhD graduates:

  • Denis BIKESHA, ‘Gacaca Courts in Rwanda as a Means of Dispensing Criminal Justice and Reconciliation’, Supervised by Prof. Josephat.L. Kanywanyi
  • Eventius MUGYABUSO, ‘Protection of Consumers of Legal Services of Advocates in Tanzania: An Analysis of Law and Practice’, Supervised by Dr Mwakaje J. Saudin
  • Gift Joseph KWEKA, ‘National Prosecution of International Crimes in Africa: Law and Practice from Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda’, Supervised by Dr Bennect. T. Mapunda.

PhD Fee Structure

S/N Programme Title Mode of Delivery Programme Status Duration Tuition Fee (TZS) Tuition Fee (US $)
1 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Law Thesis Fulltime 36 months 3,000,000 per year 4,020 per year
2 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Law Thesis Part time 60 months 3,000,000 per year 4,020 per year

* The above fee structure is subject to change without notice. Kindly follow our websites for updates.