The University of Dar es Salaam School of Law is one of the academic units of the University of Dar es Salaam. Situated on the University main campus (Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Campus) in A B Weston building, the School is the oldest higher education training institution in Tanzania. Since its foundation in 1961, the Faculty continued to offer undergraduate and postgraduate studies to date. In 2009, the University changed structures of its academic units to improve their efficiencies. Consequently, the Faculty of Law became School of Law. These changes have allowed the School to expand in its core mandate in teaching, research, consultancy and public service.
An Overview
The University of Dar-es-Salaam School of Law (then Faculty of Law – herein referred to the School) is the oldest law training institution in East Africa. It was established on Wednesday, 25th October 1961, three months before independence, to cater for the new emerging independent states of East Africa, comprising of Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar. The first batch of students at the School was admitted to the then Tanganyika National Union (TANU) (Now Sukita) Building along Lumumba Street in Dar-es-Salaam. By its establishing Instrument, the School was affiliated to the University of London awarding degrees of that University through external programs. In principle, its curriculum was premised along the law curriculum of the University of London.
The establishment of the School at the eve of independence provided an opportunity for the creation, innovation and introduction into the syllabus local case materials, which were sensitive to the aspirations of the newly independent States of East Africa, despite its attachment to the University of London. This was made possible by, among other factors, the fact that the School comprised of dynamic young scholars from diverse jurisdictions who advocated for change. These included A.B Weston, an Australian recruited from Canada who served as Dean, William Twinning a UK citizen recruited from Sudan and Patrick Mc Auslan also from the UK. Others were Sol Piccioto from the UK and trained in Chicago, Mr Pink, an African American legal scholar from the USA, Cranford Platt a Canadian who was the Principal and Mr Snaith the planning officer from the UK.
At inception, the mission of the School was to provide the newly independent states of East Africa with indigenous skilled lawyers in the shortest time possible to work in the government and public service. When formally inaugurating the University College of Dar-es-Salaam, (As the Faculty of Law was referred to then), on 25th October 1961, the late Mwalimu Nyerere (then Chief Minister and “Visitor” to the College) aptly summarised the reasons underlying the establishment of the School. He stated:
“[This] College has been established in a rush. Recommendations for opening a University College of Tanganyika had been put at a much later date as the operative one, but my government felt that this was a matter of highest educational priority…[This] was a political decision…..An independent country depending on charity for all its higher educational opportunities is in great psychological danger. But the decision to start the first Faculty in 1961 and to proceed as rapidly as possible was an educational decision meant to increase opportunities for university education for all citizens”
In setting a direction for the approach in teaching courses at the School, the late Mwalimu Nyerere stated:
“We are in the process of building up a Tanganyika nation…[If] we are to build a sturdy sense of nationhood, we must nurture our own educated citizens (who) must have an African oriented education. That is, an education which is not only given in Africa, but also (that which is) directed at meeting the present needs of Africa. For our present plan must be that directed at reaching the villages……”
Because of the government’s approach, therefore, despite the School being affiliated to the University of London upon inception, the focus of the curriculum was also purposefully designed to cater for local situations that were in line with the aspiration of the emerging new States of the region. From inception, the School was compelled to embark on applied research out of necessity. It guided the government in the codification of customary law, integration of court systems and matters of constitution making.
It was during this epoch when the School established a Legal Research Center under the directorship of A. Sawyer. Unfortunately, this Centre wound up its activities with Sawyer’s departure from the School. Books and monograms that were produced during this epoch were geared at producing local material for teaching. They sought to find African examples to fit into the common law principles and concepts that had to be applicable in Tanganyika. Students were also involved in research activities. They published their findings in research journals, for example, in the Denning Law Journal.
For the whole of the first decade, the students’ Denning Law Society [(Now University of Dar-es-Salaam Law Society (UDLS)] sponsored field research projects/competitions annually in the areas of African customary law, Islamic law and offered prizes to students who excelled in research writings and essays. These were also published in the Society’s Journal, first the Denning Law Journal (later the University of Dar-es-Salaam Law Journal and today the Nyerere Law Journal).
The School now
Currently, the School offers three undergraduate programs: Certificate in Law (CTL), Bachelor of Law degree (LL. B), and Bachelor of Arts in Law Enforcement (BALE). All these programs intend to introduce our students to the basics of legal knowledge. Certificate in law program, for example, is designed to give students a foundational understanding of Tanzania legal system. The LL. B program intends to provide our students with a comprehensive knowledge of the law and its related theories. It prepares them to qualify for the legal profession. Our LL. B graduates qualify to work as officers in different public and private offices as well as in the judiciary. Bachelor of Arts in Law enforcement is a new program introduced in 2009. The program aims to equip law enforcers with necessary legal skills for efficient discharging of their responsibilities. The targeted groups are those working or interested in working with our security apparatus such as the police force, immigration service, fire department, armed forces, prison services, revenue authorities, financial intelligence unit, drugs enforcement agents, and anti-corruption agents. Equally, all those working or interested to work with private security companies, or those interested in becoming security analysts may find this program uniquely interesting. Thus, the program accepts students who are fresh from studies or those already employed in different sectors.
At postgraduate level, the School offers Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL), Specialised Postgraduate Diploma in Law (SPGDL, Master of Laws (LL. M), Taught LL. M programs and Doctor of Philosophy degree. All these postgraduate programs intend to impart specialised knowledge to our students. Upon completion, our graduates are expected to become full-fledged experts in their areas of studies. Details of our programs are found in programs’ specific section in this website.
The School is composed of three departments (Public Law, Private Law, and Economic Law). Apart from the three departments, the School interacts with the outside world through institutions that are based at the School. Today, the School houses the Center for the Study of Forced Migration (CSFM), the Legal Aid Committee (LAC) and the Tanzanian German Centre for Eastern African Legal Studies (TGCL). These provide opportunities for inter-departmental research at the School of law.
The School, through TGCL, has the best collection of human rights, constitutional law and regional integration law material in the country. It also harbours an up to date library specialized in the Law of the Sea and International Environmental Law. This unit acts as springboards for inter-disciplinary research and outreach programs in these fields.
Apart from teaching undergraduate, graduate students and coordinating courses in the certificate of law, members of staff of the School perform research on various issues transcending social, economic and cultural boundaries but linked to the development of the jurisprudence of the law and legal systems.
Leadership: Deans Office
The School’s administration is under the office of the Dean. The Dean is overseeing the entire Schools activities. According to the University of Dar es Salaam Charter, 2007, the Dean is the head of academic and administration in the School. Specifically, Dean is responsible to;
Engaging faculty, staff and students in discussions of all vital School issues and assuring a positive, high-quality working environment.
Coordinate all departments, centres and units in the School.
Convening strategic intellectual discussions about future academic directions of the School and its centres.
To ensure the improved welfare of the School, its staff and students.
Playing a key oversight role in all programs, reviews and processes that are important for continuous improvement of the School’s activities.
The Current Dean 2021/22 - 2023/24
Dr. Dr. S.F. Materu
Sosteness Francis Materu is the Dean of the School and a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economic Law. He served as Associate Dean from 2019 to 2021 and Head of Public Law Department from 2016 to 2019. He joined the School (then Faculty of Law) in 2009. Before this appointment, Dr Materu worked as an Assistant Tax Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) from August 2008 to September 2009. Dr Materu has a Bachelor of Laws Degree (LL. B (Hons)-2008) from University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Master of Laws Degree (LL.M (Cum Laude)-2011) from University of the Western Cape, South Africa; and a Doctor of Laws Degree (Dr. Iuris (Summa Cum Laude-2014) from Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. In 2016, Dr Materu received a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the Law School of Tanzania, thereby becoming an Advocate of the High Court of Tanzania, Notary Public and Commissioner for Oaths. He is a member of the Tanganyika Law Society. Dr Materu’s areas of interests are international criminal law, transitional justice, international humanitarian law and anti-money laundering law.
Dr Materu has held several administrative and advisory positions within the University. He has been Head of the Public Law Department and Coordinator of Master of Laws in Procedural Law and International Legal Practice program (2015-2021). He has also been appointed a member of the Ministerial Advisory Board of the Registration, Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA) for two terms i.e. 2015-2018 and 2019-2022. In addition to these responsibilities, Dr Materu has been a visiting scholar at the University of Bayreuth (Germany) and an External Examiner of Ruaha Catholic University (RUCU) in Tanzania
Past Deans
Below is the list of our former Deans;
Prof. Arthur Brian Weston
1961 - 1968
Prof. Y. Ghai
1968 – 1970
D. Bishota
Justice P.L.V. Cross
1970 – 1974
Prof. J.L. Kanywanyi
1974 – 1979
Prof. G.M. Fimbo
1979 – 1982
Prof. Costa Mahalu
1985 – 1991
Prof. Zebron S. Gondwe
1994 – 1997
Dr Wilbert B. L. Kapinga
Dr Sengondo E. A. Mvungi
1998 – 2003
Prof. Ibrahim H. Juma
2003 – 2006
Prof. Sifuni E.Mchome
2006 – 2009
Prof. P.J. Kabudi
2009 – 2012
Prof. B.I. Rutinwa
2012 – 2015
Prof. H.I.Majamba
2015 - 2021
Administration Office
Administrative officers assist the Dean in running the day-to-day activities of the School. Currently, the School has two senior administrative officers. These are: -
1. Antidius Buchard Rweyongeza
Senior Administrative Officer
BA (Political Science & Public Administration (UDSM)
Proficiency Certificate of Qualifying Law for Administrative Officers (Tanzania Public Service College)
2. Mr. Packson David Gabriel
Senior Administrative Officer
Other Offices under the Dean’s Office
There are several other offices which assist the Dean in his day to day activities. These offices are;
The Examination Office
The Office of the Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies
The Office of the Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies
The Office of the Timetable Coordinator
The Office of Quality Assurance
LAC is a committee of the University of Dar es Salaam School of Law. It comprises staff members and students working on voluntary basis. Members of the committee receive no payments or allowances for their services. The critical function of the committee is to offer free legal services to those unable to employ legal advisors. Services offered include;
Legal advice
Legal assistance in drafting various legal documents
Legal representation
Assistance in executing decrees and orders.
Majority of our clients seek assistance in the following areas;
Probate and administration of estates
Marriage and divorce
Land conflict
Labour and employment relations
Child support and maintenance
The Committee receives new clients every Friday from 100O hrs. Meetings on other days of the week are by appointment. For further details contact the chairperson;
Legal Aid Committee
University of Dar es Salaam School of Law
P. O. Box 35093
Dar es Salaam
The current chairperson is Dr.Veronica G.Buchumi. She may be reached at