Opportunities at College of Social Sciences
(Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda) 2025-2026)
The Research Chair on Forced Displacement of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM-RCFD), under a research project titled: “Strengthening knowledge, evidence use and leadership in the global South on forced displacement: with a focus on East Africa” funded by the International Development Research centre (IDRC) of Canada, invites applications for a post-doctoral re- search position (one position).
The overall objective of this Sida Mathematics sub-programme (Phase II) titled Capacity Building in Mathematics for Scientific and Technological Advancement in Tanzania (CBM-STAT) is to build postgraduate training and research capacity in Mathematics and Mathematics education in Tanzania. The expected outcome of this phase is to have well-trained graduates who will participate productively in strategic research activities that can contribute to the alleviation of poverty levels in the society. The sub-programme is expected to enhance the quality and quantity of research outputs.
The University of Dar es Salaam is pleased to invite the following candidates for Oral interview to be held on date and time as indicated below;