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Directorate of Innovation & Entrepreneurship (DIEN)

Welcome to the Webpage of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre. In this Webpage, you will be exposed to the activities of the Centre in and outside the University of Dar es Salaam. It is not possible to highlight all the activities of the Centre in the small space allocated for the Centre. However, I am sure you will get a glimpse of what is going on at the Centre. The Centre is striving to promote Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Dar es Salaam. Various approaches are used by the Centre to realise its goal. The Centre collaborates with various stakeholders for greater impact in the course of discharging its duties. We are optimistic that we shall be able to reach out to a wider audience to sensitize them to consider innovation and entrepreneurship as a path towards their future career and not as a last resort when all else has failed. We welcome new ideas and are open to collaborative initiatives. Please feel free to contact us with ideas, views and suggestions. Thanks for visiting the DIEN Webpage.

Prof. Hannibal J. Bwire - Director DIEN

About DIEN

The University of Dar es Salaam Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre was established in 2015 to address observed challenges between generating knowledge generation and research at the University of Dar es Salaam vis–a–vis application of the knowledge and research output. In addition, the Centre addresses challenges related to imparting practical entrepreneurship skills to students, academic staff and Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurs (SMEs) in the country aiming at formation of new start-ups and increased competitiveness of existing companies.

UDIEC seeks to realize University – wide strength and competitive advantages by making cross-cutting services like business, legal and management skills available to all University Units including but not limited to sciences and engineering. This is in line with UDSM Vision 2061, which among other things, aims at maintaining its leading position in knowledge creation and sharing.

Business Development Services Offered by UDIEC to Industries and SMEs

  1. Business plan development.
  2. Technology assessment and its economics including product marketing.
  3. Advertising and marketing.
  4. Management and financial advisory.
  5. Business counselling, coaching and mentorship.
  6. Networking.
  7. Process machinery specifications, design and selection
  8. Identification of machinery supplier
  9. Evaluation of the existing manufacturing industry - process and machinery for improved productivity.

DIEN Mandates and Functions

  1. To utilize the research outputs such as technologies, processes, approaches and products from Colleges/Schools/Institutes of the University of Dar es Salaam and other research and development institutions in the country to contribute significantly in creation of new economic activities.
  2. To put in place mechanisms that allow academic staff, graduates and individuals to convert their research outputs and/or business ideas to commercial companies.
  3. To establish a proper licensing system including Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regime that would assist the promotion of effective commercialization of research outputs to encourage and reward innovation by Research and Development Institutions.
  4. To develop entrepreneurship knowledge, skills and competencies of academic staff, students and business people to create opportunities for self-employment and start-up businesses.
  5. To identify new markets based on research, thus creating new enterprises based on priority areas that could bring impact to socio-economic development of the country including diversifying of rural economies.
  6. To attract investment in innovation and commercialization of research results by creating funding mechanisms (Product Development Fund ) while increasing the scope and size of risk capital in the country.
  7. To collaborate with various experts in innovation and technology transfer world-wide to nurture innovation, entrepreneurship, intellectual property rights and technology evaluation.
  8. To establish partnerships with local, regional and international industry for regular exchange and communication to ensure research outputs are demand-driven and responsive to industry and market needs.
  9. To provide incubation services to all sectors of economy.
  10. To provide Business support services.