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  • Showing 826-840 of 1,815 items.
    826DrInj J. K. MakunzaCollege of Engineering and Technology(not set)Senior Lecturer
    827MissInnocensia JohnCollege Of Agricultural Sciences And Food Technology(not set)Lecture, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business
    828DrInnocent PantaleoCentre For Behavioural Studies(not set)Coordinator, Founding Member
    829DrInnocent Muganyizi Pantaleo University Of Dar Es Salaam School Of Economics(not set)Lecturer and Head, Department of Economics
    830DrInnocent J. MachaCollege of Engineering and Technology(not set)Senior Lecturer and Head of Department Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE)
    831DrInnocent J. Lugendo College Of Natural And Applied Sciences(not set)Senior Lecturer and Manager Central Science Workshop of the University of Dar es Salaam
    832DrInnocent John Karamagi University Of Dar Es Salaam School Of Economics(not set)Senior Lecturer
    833DrInnocent B. RugambukaDar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Lecturer
    834MrInnocent John JuniorDar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Tutorial Assistant in the Department of Geography and Economics
    835MrInnocent M. MiwaDar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Assistant Lecturer
    836MissInnocenta Innocenta CharlesUniversity of Dar es Salaam School of Education(not set)Assistant Lecturer
    837MissIrene Albert Koko College of Social Sciences(not set)Assistant Lecturer
    838M/sIrene MasengeCollege of Engineering and Technology(not set) Assistant Lecturer
    839M/sIrene Kivugo Mrisho College Of Natural And Applied Sciences(not set)Office Management Secretary
    840DrIreneus Luambano College of Social Sciences(not set)Lecturer