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  • Showing 16-30 of 1,816 items.
    16Dr Ireneus LuambanoUniversity Of Dar Es Salaam Library(not set)Lecturer
    17Dr Jackson J. JustoCollege of Engineering and Technology(not set)Lecturer
    18Prof Jehovaness AikaeliCentre For Behavioural Studies(not set)Founding Member
    19Mr Joshua Hassan MwamsanguDar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Languages and Literature
    20Prof Kelefa Tende MwantimwaUniversity Of Dar Es Salaam Library(not set)Director
    21Mrs Mariam Hatibu KassimAuxiliary Police(not set)Auxiliary Police Sargent
    22M/s NZAINA RAJABU MWETASchool of Journalism and Mass Communication (not set)Library Officer II
    23Dr Paschal C. Mdukula College of Humanities(not set)Lecturer
    24Mr Respich Leberath SokaDar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Tutorial Assistant in the Department of Geography and Economics
    25Mr Reuben SangaCollege of Engineering and Technology(not set) Assistant Lecturer
    26Dr Richard Joseph KimwagaCollege of Engineering and Technology(not set)
    27Mr Salim Hassan Mwinshashi College Of Natural And Applied Sciences(not set)Supplies Officer
    28Mr Saul Samwel Kagomba Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Tutorial Assistant in the Department of Geography and Economics
    29Dr Wadrine Maro University of Dar es Salaam School of Education(not set)Lecturer , Head of EPCS
    30 Zaina Ramadhani MshanaUniversity Of Dar Es Salaam Library(not set)Senior Library Officer