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  • Showing 946-960 of 1,780 items.
    946DrJoviet Marco Bulaya Institute of Kiswahili Studies(not set)Lecturer
    947MrJovint KamaraCollege of Engineering and Technology(not set)Chief laboratory engineer
    948DrJoviter Katabaro KatabaroUniversity of Dar es Salaam School of Education(not set)Senior Lecturer
    949DrJovitha L. MayegaDar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Lecturer
    950DrJoyce Samson Manahiri College of Social Sciences(not set)Lecturer
    951DrJoyce MassaroMbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences(not set)Lecturer
    952M/sJoyce MassaweUDSM Hospital(not set)Principal Pharmaceutical Technician
    953M/sJoyce Akheweso ChristopherDirectorate Of Students Services(not set)Warden II
    954DrJoyce MkongoUniversity of Dar es Salaam School of Education(not set)Lecturer
    955MrsJoyce Henry KanutiSchool Of Mines And Geosciences(not set)Personal Secretary I
    956M/sJoyce MunisiDirectorate Of Students Services(not set)Warden II
    957M/sJoyce MgeyekwaUDSM Hospital(not set)Principal Nurse midwife
    958DrJoyce Sifa NdabiUniversity of Dar es Salaam School of Education(not set)Lecturer
    959M/sJoyce Solomoni SwilaDar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Languages and Literature.
    960DrJoyce A. KipandaDar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Lecturer