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  • Showing 1,501-1,515 of 1,819 items.
    1501MrsRitha Daniel KalokolaInstitute of Resource Assessment(not set)Assistant Lecturer
    1502DrRobert MalimaMbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences(not set)Lecturer
    1503MrROBERT FRANCIS SHEKIBUACollege of Humanities(not set)Assistant Lecturer
    1504MrRobert Collman MakambaDirectorate Of Students Services(not set)Senior Janitor II
    1505MrRobert MushemaDar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Tutorial Assistant
    1506Robert Ezekiel KariroUniversity Of Dar Es Salaam Library(not set)Library Officer II
    1507MrRodgers H. KuzilwaCollege of Engineering and Technology(not set)Office Attendant (Contract)
    1508DrRodrick G. NdombaDar Es Salaam University College Of Education(not set)Senior Lecturer in the Department of Languages and Literature
    1509DrRodrick Henry Kweyunga College of Social Sciences(not set)Lecturer , Political Science and Public Administration
    1510MrROGGER GRESHOM MWAKYANJALA College Of Natural And Applied Sciences(not set)Laboratory assistant
    1511MrRoman Mmanda FortunatusCollege Of Agricultural Sciences And Food Technology(not set)Assistant Lecturer
    1512MrRoman Fredrick MettaCollege of Engineering and Technology(not set)Senior Technician
    1513DrRomwald Kimego HyeraUniversity of Dar es Salaam School of Education(not set)Lecturer
    1514DrRonald Boniface NdesanjoInstitute of Development Studies(not set)Lecturer
    1515MissRose Didas MteiAlumni Convocation And Advancement(not set)Public Relations Officer