CURRICULUM VITAE for Dr. Lulu Tunu Kaaya
Department: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology, College of Agricultural Sciences and Fisheries Technology, University of Dar es Salaam
P.O. Box 35064, Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA
Mobile: +255-785 003 752, E-mail:
University of Cape Town, Ph.D. in Zoology, 2010-2014
University of Dar es Salaam, M.Sc. (Aquatic Sciences), 2004 – 2007
University of Dar es Salaam, B.Sc. (Hons.) Microbiology and Aquatic Sciences, 2001 – 2004
Employment: Lecturer and Researcher of Freshwater Ecology/Limnology and Ecohydrology at the University of Dar es Salaam for about 13 years, since 2006.
Administrative posts held at University of Dar es Salaam
Director of Internationalization, Convocation and Advancement August 2017 todate
Director of Internationalization, December 2016 to August 2017
Examination Officer and ARIS coordinator, college of Agricultural Sciences and Fisheries Technology 2014/2015/2016
Examination Officer, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Technology 2014/2015
Coordinator Undergraduate Programme - Department of Aquatic Sciences and
Fisheries 2013/2014
Assistant Coordinator Undergraduate Programme- Faculty of Aquatic Sciences
and Technology 2007/2008, 2013/2014
Other Activities held at University of Dar es Salaam
April 2019: External Examiner for a Master’s thesis for the Limnology and Wetland management Program (LWM), Egerton University, Kenya, University of Natural resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, IHE Delft.
February 2016-April 2017: Member of Technical Committee for the African Great Lakes International Conference organized by The Nature Conservancy and Lake Tanganyika Authority.
January 2016: External Examiner for a PhD. Thesis for the Nelson Mandela Institution for Science and Technology (NM-AIST), Arusha, Tanzania.
Scholarships, Awards and Grants
2018: International Foundation for Science (IFS) for conducting research on sources and distribution of microplastics in sediment and waters of Lake Victoria and its tributaries.
2015: Marine Research Grant I (MARG I) for conducting research on Classification of Tanzanian mainland Estuaries: for sustainable conservation, management and ecosystem services provision.
2010-2014: University of Dar es Salaam-Science and Technology Higher Education Programme (UDSM-STHEP) scholarship for conducting a PhD. Research on Biological Assessment of Tanzanian Rivers using Aquatic macroinvertebrates.
2008: Research Programme on Sustainable Use of Dryland Biodiversity (RPSUD) Grant for conducting research on the roles of key players in Biodiversity Governance and Management within Lake Manyara sub-Basin, Tanzania.
2007: MAB –Unesco Awards for Young Scientists, for carrying out scientific researches.
Training, Conferences and workshops attended
19th-25th February 2016: A resource person in a ‘Practical applications for assessing the ecological integrity of stream and rivers using benthic invertebrates, fish and microbial indicators.’ LORIMA-AMBO University, Ethiopia.
8th -10th June 2015: Conference on Sustainable China-Tanzania Partnership Call, Nelson Mandela African Institution for Science and Technology (NM-AIST), Arusha, Tanzania.
1st-3rd June 2015: CUT-CODESRIA writing workshop, Chinhoyi University Hotel, Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe.
29th -3rd October 2014: Training workshop in stakeholder analysis and stakeholder relations, Bagamoyo, Tanzania.
19th December 2013: Stakeholders workshop for reviewing and approving a river classification report for the Ruvu catchment in the Wami-Ruvu Basin, Morogoro, Tanzania.
5th – 6th December 2013: Stakeholders workshop to review interim report for Integrated Water Resources Management and Development (IWRMD) Plan in the Lake Rukwa Basin, Mbeya, Tanzania.
September 2013: Stakeholders workshop to review interim report for Integrated Water Resources Management and Development (IWRMD) Plan in the Pangani Basin, Moshi, Tanzania.
September 2012: SAFRASS workshop on classification and river health assessment of the Zambian Rivers held at the Southern Sun, Lusaka Zambia.
July – August, 2012: Training in Ecohydrology. University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
January, 2007: IFS – WIOMSA Workshop on Priority Research Agenda for Coastal and Environment in Tanzania.
23rd -30th July, 2005: Lake Bogoria Management: Using ecological information to underpin Intergrated Management Plans in Rift Valley Lakes (Science of Soda Lakes).
Specific experience in Aquatic Science:
November 2019: River Health Assessment of the Simiyu Catchment, Lake Victoria Basin for Sustainable Watershed Management
April 2019: Aquatic Health Survey (Fish, macroinvertebrates, water quality and aquatic macrophytes) along the SGR Railway line. A verification report submitted to Environmental Resources Management (ERM).
May 2019: Aquatic Health Survey (Fish, macroinvertebrates, water quality and aquatic macrophytes) along the South Serengeti Bypass Road. ESIA verification report submitted to Environmental Resources Management (ERM).
2016, 2017, 2018: Aquatic Ecologist River Health Assessment and monitoring of aquatic macroinvertebrates for river health assessment of the Kihansi Sub-catchment of the Kihansi Sub catchment
2017: River Health Assessment of the Ruvu Catchment for Sustainable Watershed Management
January 2017: Practical Training (resource person) to local communities in Iringa, Mgeta Juu catchment on the use of mini SASS as a biomonitoring and bioassessment tool of river.
May 2016: Practical Training (resource person) to local communities in Mbeya, Mkoji catchment on the use of mini SASS as a biomonitoring and bioassessment tool of river.
July 2015: Classification of Tanzanian Estuaries: For sustainable Conservation, Management and Ecosystem services provision. Funded by Marg Grant, WIOMSA.
Apr 2015: Monitoring of macroinvertebrates as ecosystem health indicators and food for the threatened endemic Kihansi spray toad in the Kihansi gorge. Component of the Lower Kihansi Environment management Project Phase II.
Feb 2015: River Health Assessment in the Tarangire catchment, Northern Tanzania. A research project in collaboration with Tarangire National Park, Funded by TANAPA.
Feb 2015: Impacts of Land use changes in the Tarangire catchment on the flow dynamics of the Tarangire River, Northern Tanzania. A research project in collaboration with Tarangire National Park and Internal drainage basin, Funded by TANAPA.
Nov-Dec 2013: Macro invertebrate survey for River Health Assessment studies in Lake Tanganyika, Lake Nyasa and Pangani Basin. A sub-consultancy from SMEC as consulted by the Ministry of water, Tanzania.
2010-2012: Bioassessment of tropical riverine systems using aquatic macro invertebrates in Tanzania, East Africa. PhD Research Project, University of Cape Town.
2011: Marine survey of the Mtwara port area. A report submitted to Kaskim Consultancy.
2008: Assessing the roles of key players in Biodiversity Governance and Management within Lake Manyara sub-Basin, Tanzania.
2007-2008: The role of Indigenous knowledge on management of Lake Manyara wetland, Tanzania.
2006 – 2007: Participation in the Pangani Basin Environmental Flow and River Health Assessment as a River Ecologist.
2005 - 2006: M.Sc. Research on Phytoplankton diversity and productivity with emphasis on the bloom dynamics of the potentially toxic cyanobacterium Arthrospira fusiformis in the Momela Lakes, Arusha, Tanzania.
Feb. – March 2005: Working with TCMP (Tanzania Coastal Management Programme) in training local fishermen on coral reef monitoring for participation in Integrated Coastal Management in Bagamoyo district.
Oct. – June 2004: Coral Reef Monitoring and Assessment Final Year Research Project, University of Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania.
June – August 2002: Assessment of Marine Keystone Ecosystems. Participation in Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Practical training at University of Dar- Es-Salaam, Tanzania.
June – July 2002: Coral Reef Monitoring in Dar es Salaam Marine Reserve System. For Kinondoni Integrated Coastal Area Management Programme (KICAMP), Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania.
Supervision of Masters students
Rosemary Joshua Masikini, (2017). Spatial Variability of Macroinvertebrate Assemblages and the Influence of Hydrology and Environmental Variables along the Sigi River, Tanzania- East Africa. Erasmus Mundus Master of Science In Ecohydrology, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.
Leila Salum, (2018). Assessment of coral reefs recovery from impacts of climate variability and anthropogenic activities in Mafia Island. Msc. Climate Change and Sustainable Development, University of Dar es salaam.
Noel Amon Kikwale, (2018). The Impact of Climate Change and Variability on Artisanal Fishery and Communities’ Adaptation Strategies: A Case of Bagamoyo, Pangani and Kilwa Districts, Tanzania. Msc. Climate Change and Sustainable Development, University of Dar es salaam.
Mshiu Johnson J, (2017). Impacts of Climate Change And Variability on Fisheries and Livelihoods of Fishing Communities: A case of Mlingotini and Saadani Villages in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania. Msc. Climate Change and Sustainable Development, University of Dar es salaam.
Makoye Sebastian, (2017). Impacts of Climate Variability on Coral reefs in Mafia: A case of Chole and Jibondo Islands. Msc. Climate Change and Sustainable Development, University of Dar es salaam.
Alex Peter, (2017). Livelihoods Dynamics in Response to Climate Change and Variability in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania. Msc. Climate Change and Sustainable Development, University of Dar es salaam.
Currently, she is involved in a research project of microplastic assessments in the Lake Victoria Basin.
Kaaya LT (2019) Ecological Classification of Estuaries along the Tanzania mainland coast: A management perspective. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Sciences (Accepted).
Masikini R., Kaaya L.T. and Chicharo L. (2018) Evaluation of ecohydrological variables in relation to spatial and temporal variability of macroinvertebrate assemblages along the Zigi River – Tanzania. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 18 (2018) 130–141
Kaaya, L.T., Jenny D. and Dallas H.F. (2015). Tanzania River Scoring System (TARISS): a macroinvertebrate-based biotic index for rapid bioassessment of rivers. African Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 40:2, 109-117, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2015.1051941
Kaaya LT (2015): Towards a classification of Tanzanian rivers: a bioassessment and ecological management tool. A case study of the Pangani, Rufiji and Wami–Ruvu river basins, African Journal of Aquatic Science, 40:1, 37-45, DOI:10.2989/16085914.2015.1008970
Kaaya, L. T. and Lugomela, G. V. (2015) Aquatic Ecosystem services and Management in East Africa: the Tanzania case in Luis Chicharo, Felix Mueller and Nicola Fohrer (eds) ecosystem Services and River Basin Ecohydrology.
Kaaya, L.T., Lugomela, C., and Mgaya, Y.D. (2007). Spatial and temporal variations in phytoplankton species composition, abundance, biomass and productivity in the selected Momela Lakes, Arusha, Tanzania. Discovery and Innovations. 19: 25- 31.