Applications are invited from qualified Tanzanians from the Public Sector to apply for 27 fully funded training opportunities under Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) of Annual International Training Course (AITC) programme for 2021 which will be conducted on online conference platform due to the COVID -19 pandemic situations.
- Contribution of Food Science and Technology to the Next Normal of Food Industry
- Climate Smart Agriculture: Smart Farming
- Palliative Home Care
- Community Empowerment to Promote Healthy Early Childhood
- Global Warming Mitigation and Adaptation by Balancing Sustainable Energy Management (GSEM)
- Sustainable Community Development ApplyingSufficiency Economy Philosophy from theory to practical (CPS)
- Training of Trainers on Cooperative Education through Applications of Participatory and Sufficiency Economy
- Prevention of Postharvest Loss in the Value Chain of Agricultural Crop
- Dengue and Zika Prevention Campaign
- Food Safety and Security from Animal Origin: Strengthening the Network for Sustainability
- Food Hygiene Sanitation for Food Handlers
- Occupational Health and Safety in the Community: How to Strengthen the Capacity of Public Health Personnel
- Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) in Education for sustainability
- Food System the Challenge to Changing the Global Environment
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation for Climate Change Mitigation (EE & G)
- Low Carbon Scenario Development: Waste Management Under Crisis Situations
- Integrated Natural Resources Management for Sustainable Tourism and Marketing Strategies
- Exploring the Role of GIS Technology with Environmental Health and Human Health, Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptations of Climate Change
- Human Responses to Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation
- Environmental Health and Food Safety
- Community Mental Health
- Ending HIV-related Stigma in Health Facilities to FastTrack 95-95-95 Targets
- Fundamental of Occupational Health and Occupational Medicine
- Postharvest Technology of Fruit and Vegetable Crops for Developing Countries
- Training on Sustainable Basin Management in a context Changes
- Development of Agricultural Resilience Capacity through Water Management with Climate Smart Irrigation System
- Implementing the One Health Approach to Emerging Disease Management into Action: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic
For more details of guidelines for AITC programs download the attached document.
A fully completed AITC Application Form (in duplicate) with recommendation letter from employer, CV, copies of passport & academic certificates should be sent to:-
Permanent Secretary,
President’s Office,
Public Service Management and Good Governance,
Mtumba Government City,
Utumishi Street,
P.O. BOX 670,
DODOMA. Att: Division of Human Resource