Prof. Mushi calls for responsible journalism as UDSM-SJMC convenes experts from 25 countries

Sat, 07.Sep.2024 08.42

By Dotto Kuhenga, CMU

The Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Prof. Daniel Mushi, has urged communication professionals to embrace ethical and responsible journalism for the media to play a vital role in enhancing development in the society.

Prof. Mushi said this in Dar es Salaam on 28 August 2024 at the opening of the 14th East African Communication Association Conference, which was organised by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication (SJMC) of the University of Dar es Salaam in collaboration with the East Africa Communication Association (EACA), and attended by participants from 25 countries.

“The media plays a vital role in enhancing development sectors like education, health, the economy and others. Unfortunately, we all know how the media can contribute to the country’s decomposing development when it embraces unethical, irresponsible and divisive practices”, said Prof. Mushi.

Prof. Mushi who was delivering the opening remarks for this momentous international conference on communication and media studies on behalf of His Excellency Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, the former President of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Chancellor of the University of Dar es Salaam said the media and communication sector contribute primarily to the country’s development.

Citing the theme of EACA 2024 conference, held from 28 to 30 August, 2024, ‘Africa and the Global Dialogue on Communication and Media’, Prof. Mushi said the conference has come at the right time “as we look forward to accelerating economic development of our country through innovative and integrative approaches to media and communication”.

“The subtheme on tourism, climate change and variability is timely as the world is now focusing on the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, along with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which sets out a global framework to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and fix climate change until 2030”, said Prof. Mushi.

Shaping the global media landscape

In her opening address, Prof. Margaret Jjuuko, President of the EACA, called on African media professionals to leverage their influence in shaping the global media landscape. She underscored the shift from traditional to digital platforms, stressing the increasing significance of African voices in this transition.

“In this new, globally interconnected world, the global dialogue on media and communication is more important than ever. From traditional to digital platforms, African voices are reasoning louder than ever”, said Prof. Jjuuko.

Meanwhile, UDSM Vice Chancellor, Prof. William A. L. Anangisye, who was represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor-Planning, Finance and Administration, Prof. Bernadeta Killian, said the University was proud that the 2024 EACA Conference was being held for the first time at the University of Dar es Salaam. 

“We believe that the insights and knowledge shared during the conference will enrich our understanding of media and mass communication and contribute meaningfully to shaping the future of these fields, in Africa and beyond”, said Prof. Anangisye.

300 participants from 25 countries

The SJMC Dean, Dr. Mona Mwakalinga, said earlier that the gathering, which was held at the UDSM Library and adjacent parallel session rooms in Dar es Salaam, brought together more than 300 esteemed academicians and media professionals including journalists, editors, media owners and government officials, from 25 countries.

The participants who took part in keynote addresses, panel discussions, workshops, and paper presentations to explore the multifaceted role of communication and media in Africa's development hailed from Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, China, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, Ghana, India, Kenya, Mali, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Zimbabwe.

“The presence of over 300 participants from across the globe is a testament to the importance of this gathering. It reflects the shared recognition of the critical role that Africa plays in shaping global media discourse”, said Dr. Mwakalinga.

She said that EACA conference served as a vital platform for communications and media practitioners in East Africa, the Continent and beyond to convene, exchange ideas, and foster collaborations that contribute to the advancement of communication and media studies in the region.

Dr. Egbert Mkoko, SJMC Lecturer and EACA 2024 conference convener explained the sub-themes of the conference namely media innovations and sustainability in the digital era; media and information literacy in the age of Artificial Intelligence; gender issues and children's safety; media, democracy and elections in Africa; the rise of influencer marketing; and the dilemma of investigative journalism in Africa.

Other subthemes included reporting war and conflicts; integrating global journalism with tourism, climate change and conservation; Kiswahili and the future of African languages for communication; media discourse, representation and identity; reimagining Public Relations and Marketing; and the future of journalism in the Global South.

About EACA

The East African Communication Association (EACA) was established in 2011 by a group of Journalism, Media, and Communication scholars working in East Africa. EACA brings together scholars, researchers, practitioners and others involved in communication and media studies to share research on the media in the region.

EACA membership is largely drawn from universities in East Africa, but the association is open to collaboration with journalism/media scholars and practitioners from all over the world and indeed has members from Germany, South Africa, West Africa, Norway, the United States, and El-Salvador among others.

EACA’s aims include building networks and harnessing synergies towards building capacity for changing media and communication environments in Africa and sharing ongoing research and published work on Media and Communication in East Africa and beyond. EACA is a vibrant association dedicated to promoting communication studies in East Africa. It provides a platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and the advancement of communication and media excellence in within the sub-region and in Africa in general.