Dr. Maxmillian Chuhila unveils research insights on Mount Kilimanjaro at University of Oxford

Mon, 18.Mar.2024 09.38

By Zamda George, CMU

As a manifestation of academic excellence and collaboration, the University of Dar es Salaam scholar, Dr. Maxmillian Chuhila, has secured the Bodleian Visiting Fellowship in African Studies at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, and unveiled distinguishable research insights into the historical landscape surrounding the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro of Tanzania.

According to the information received from the University of Oxford, Dr. Chuhila, from UDSM Department of History, College of Humanities, and who specialises in the History of History, explored the highest free-standing mountain in the world and the heart of Africa's iconic Mount Kilimanjaro by researching the multifaceted dynamics of land use and its evolution over the past century, and his work has been so much commendable.

As the first recipient of the Bodleian Visiting Fellowship in African Studies, and driven by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, Dr. Chuhila's research journey took him to the renowned Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford in the autumn of 2023.

“Dr. Chuhila delved deep into the historical landscape surrounding Mt. Kilimanjaro, exploring the multifaceted dynamics of land use and its evolution over the past century”, said Wojtek Lubowiecki, the Digital Content Editor at the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford.

Wojtek Lubowiecki expressed enthusiasm for Dr. Chuhila's research, highlighting its significance in shedding light on critical issues facing the African continent and underscored the spirit of collaboration and mutual respect that defines the partnership between the two prestigious institutions.

According to Dr. Chuhila, who was very grateful for the prestigious fellowship, the collaboration between the University of Dar es Salaam and the University of Oxford has been for a long time instrumental in fostering groundbreaking research initiatives like this one.

“This partnership underscores the shared commitment to academic excellence and cross-cultural exchange, and thus propelling many scholars to new heights of discovery”, said Dr. Chuhila.

Meanwhile, UDSM Deputy Vice Chancellor-Academic, Prof. Bonaventure Rutinwa, said the University of Dar es Salaam took immense pride in Dr. Chuhila's achievements and celebrated his dedication to advancing knowledge and fostering global connections.

“As among the leading academic institutions in Africa, the University of Dar es Salaam remains committed to nurturing talent and facilitating groundbreaking research that transcends borders and transforms lives’’, said Prof. Rutinwa.

As Dr. Chuhila's findings continue to reverberate across academic circles and beyond, they serve as a testament to the power of collaboration and the boundless potential of scholarly inquiry. UDSM looks forward to further collaborations with partners like the University of Oxford, as together, we strive to push the boundaries of knowledge and create a brighter future for generations to come.

As the world eagerly awaits further revelations from Dr. Chuhila's groundbreaking research, his work stands as a testament to the power of interdisciplinary collaboration in unraveling the mysteries of our planet's dynamic landscapes. Dr. Chuhila's groundbreaking research, the video documenting his journey, can be accessed via the Bodleian Library's YouTube channel.