Investment and Income Generation
1. Current Investment
1.1 Mlimani City Project
Mlimani City Project, one of its kind generates income which assists UDSM in its efforts to overcome the budgetary deficits from the government. The facility includes of
1.2 Total (T) Ltd
UDSM succeeded to attract the Total Tanzania Limited to invest on the University land. This facility is allocated opposite Mlimani City Mall along Sam Nujoma road. The income generated from the project assists UDSM in overcoming the budgetary deficits from the government. Not only that but also its presence has provided services to community.
1.3 UDSM Insurance Agency
It serves for the National Insurance Corporation (NIC), Britamm (T) Ltd and ICEA Lion (T) Ltd. Operating under the Office of Directorate of Planning, Development and Investment. The Agency generates income by providing Insurance services to the University Community and to any client outside University.The agency retains a commission of between 12% to 25% of total premium collected from Insurance business. Various policies are currently on offer, motor, fire, marine, personal accident, burglary, money, workmen compensation, professional indemnity, electronic equipment, and all risks insurance. When you are in Dar es Salaam and wish to have insurance arranged for your car, house, shop, hotel, valuable e.g., camera, jewelry etc, the University Insurance Agency is happy to be at your service.
1.4 Research Flats
Research Flats are special accommodation premises mainly for University researchers. The flats are located within the main campus at Dar es Salaam University, 300 Meters from University Administration block and about 10Km from Dar es Salaam City Centre. The flats provides accommodation mainly for visiting lecturers, researcher from all over the world, foreign and local workshops participants at the UDSM, exchange programme students from oversees, honeymooners, and other visitors related to the University community who wish to stay in a quiet place to do their work and or just have a rest in a peaceful surrounding.
Breakfast services are available. The charges per room ranges from $40 to 70 per night.
1.5 Silversands Hotel
The Silver Sands Hotel is located 25km north of Dar es Salaam, where some of the most spectacular beaches in Africa, fresh and unspoiled are found. It is set among the trees on a palm-fringed white sand beach directly across from the nature Reserve and Nature Reserves of Mbudya, Pangani and Bongoyo Islands. It offers rooms, bar and restaurant, camping, and conference services. Also, security services is available for 24 hours. The University welcomes investors to invest in the Hotel
1.6 SEACOM Project
In 2008, the University of Dar es Salaam offered a landing site at Kunduchi area along the Indian Ocean for the SEACOM underwater fiber optic cable around the East African Coast. The main purpose was to make sure that the intended service by SEACOM reaches Tanzanian benefits core activities of the University. Through this project UDSM enjoys free and ready for service cable with a capacity of TM-1 plus other important ICT issues.
1.7 Central Pool Transport Unit
It is charged with the overall duty of providing transport services to the University community in a centralized system. It is required to run its fleet of vehicles in such a way that it can service them and at the same time offer transport facilities to the University community at competitive rates. Transport services are offered to the UDSM core activities; teaching, research and consultancy people outside the university but working with the University staff are also given the opportunity to benefit from these vehicles although priority is accorded to University staff especially on research missions.
1.8 Businesses in UDSM Premises
The Directorate coordinates various other investments activities that generate income to the University. These include the letting of space for installation of Mobile Phone Telecommunication Towers operated by telephone companies on University land and buildings, renting out space for services in constructed buildings to entrepreneurs and assisting students through their government to organize the letting of facilities under their custody.