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Title: Prof
Name: Projestine Selestine Muganyizi
College/School/Division: Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences
Role: Principal
Current Summarised CV:

Projestine is a consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Professor and Principal of the University of Dar es Salaam College of Health and Allied Sciences (UDSM-MCHAS). For about 20 years has worked as specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology at the Muhimbili National Hospital, but had also worked as a registrar in two other referral hospitals in Tanzania. He worked as full time employee of MUHAS (2004-2022) as Researcher and Faculty and Dean of school of Medicine for six years.  From 2009 to 2014 He served as President of the Association of Gynecologists and Obstetrician of Tanzania (AGOTA).

He has been involved extensively as Consultant, lead or co-investigator in a number of international collaborative and local research projects on Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Child health including the one under sida (Sweden) funding for over 10 years since 2004 to 2015. He was the National coordinator of a 5-year successful project to institutionalize Postpartum Intrauterine Device (PPIUD) in six regions of Tanzania which is part of an International program to institutionalize PPIUD under the International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FIGO). He worked as Co-PI or Co-Researcher or Consultant in many United Nations organization funded projects including Rapid assessment of National  EmONC equipment availability and gaps for public and faith based organizations’ health facilities in Tanzania Mainland (UNFPA, WHO & MOHSW),2011; Co-PI in Assessment of  Availability of Contraception and Life Saving Maternal Health Drugs at Service Delivery Points In Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar (UNFPA, 2016);  Rapid assessment of National  EmONC equipment availability and gaps for public and faith based organizations’ health facilities in Tanzania Mainland (UNFPA, WHO & MOHSW),2012; CO-PI, Every Mother Every Newborn Interventional (EMEN) Project by UNICEF through OPP1112117 “UNICEF & BMCF:MNH Partnership Grant” by Bill & Melinda Gates, through sub-grant to NIMR, Oct 2015 to Sept 2018; Co-Researcher & Technical Adviser: Economic evaluation of unsafe abortion Versus Family Planning in Tanzania: Guttmacher Institute, USA 2018-2020. National Principal Investigator for the “Tranexamic Acid for The Prevention of Postpartum Bleeding In Women With Anaemia: An International, Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial” which is ongoing in Tanzania, Nigeria, Zambia and Pakistan.

 He had also successfully carried out consultancies with other local based International and local organizations including Engender Health, PSI, VSI, FHI, and others. As Faculty, he mentored quite a number of undergraduate students and supervised students pursuing Masters and PhD programs at MUHAS, Uppsala University, Sweden, and the University of Dar es Salaam. He has more than 50 publications in peer reviewed Journals and has made a number of International Conference presentations.

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