
We are pleased to inform the University of Dar es Salaam, Mbeya College of Health and Alliances Community that, in exercise of the powers vested in him, the University of Dar es Salaam Vice-Chancellor, Professor. William-Andey Lazaro Anangisye has appointed Dr.  Clement. N. Mweya to the position of Acting Head – Department of Microbiology/Immunology and Parasitology/Entomology with effect from 5th July 2024.

Dr. Mweya is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Microbiology/Immunology and Parasitology/Entomology, Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences. He holds a Bachelor of Science General (Zoology and Wildlife Ecology) (2001) obtained at the University of Dar es Salaam, a Master of Science in Medical Parasitology and Epidemiology (2008) obtained at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College and a Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology and Ecological Modelling from Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, obtained in 2015/16. Dr. Mweya completed his Postdoc fellowship (2016) in Onchocerciasis Parasite Transmission at the University of Melbourne and Latrobe University, Australia. Ever since, he rose through the ranks and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2023.

Dr. Mweya has served as Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies (CUS-MCHAS) – College Examinations Coordinator, Timetable Coordinator and ARIS Coordinator (2019 – 2022). Before joining the University of Dar es Salaam in 2019, Dr. Mweya was working as a Senior Research Scientist with the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Tukuyu Research Center from 2002, initially as entomologist under Tukuyu Onchocerciasis Elimination Project funded by the World Health Organization (WHO). Dr. Mweya has also served as an Honorary Lecturer at the Department of Parasitology and Medical Entomology, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS). Dr. Mweya is the Founder of Vector-Borne Diseases Modeling Network (VBDModNet - Dr. Mweya also served as a part-time lecturer at the School of Life Sciences and Bioengineering at the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST), Arusha, Tanzania.

We congratulate Dr. Mweya and wish him the best of luck in discharging his duties.

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