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Title: Dr
Name: Heriel Naiman Moshi
College/School/Division: College Of Natural And Applied Sciences
Role: Lecturer
Current Summarised CV:

Dr. Moshi is a specialist in the fields of Biodiversity conservation, Restoration/Conservation Ecology, Botany, Soil science and Renewable energy (Biofuels). He holds a PhD (Botany), MSc (Botany) and BSc. with Education (Biology and Geography) from the University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania. Dr. Moshi joined the Department of Botany in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences of the University of Dar es Salaam in 2006 where he is working to date. He has conducted over 30 environmental Impact Assessment consultancy projects on vegetation, rehabilitation/restoration and monitoring, soil quality, land use suitability and Renewable energy projects at local and international scale. Such projects include, the long-term Ecological monitoring Programme (LTEMP) in Tanzania along Lake Victoria in Chato district, Geita Region conducted in collaboration with Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing China. He was a lead consultant in the recommendation of key indigenous plant species of ecological and economic value for rehabilitation and execution of rehabilitation of Buzwagi Gold mine waste rock dump site and Tailing storage facility (TSF), and monitoring of rehabilitation success of the same facilities in line with mine closure completion criteria. He also participated in assessing and providing technical recommendations on the on-going restoration success of Geita Gold mine. Dr. Moshi lead the assessment of rehabilitation success for the closure of Resolute gold mine in Tanzania. He also participated in the Regional review on maps of vegetation types of Eastern Africa including the Mangrove forests, Alpine, coastal forests and woodlands, thickets, grasslands and potential species in each of the layers (trees, shrubs and herbs) in view of the climate change (VECEA). He also participated in conducting the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) involving Soil and Flora surveys for the World Bank funded Resilient Natural Resource Management for Tourism and Growth (REGROW) project which aimed at strengthen the management of protected areas, promote nature-based tourism in Southern (Mikumi, Ruaha and Udzungwa National Parks) Tanzania and to increase access to alternative livelihood activities for targeted communities. He recently worked with Tanzania Railway Corporation (TRC) in conducting Biodiversity Surveys in Pugu-Kazimzumbwi Nature Forest Reserve, Ruvu South Forest Reserve and the wetland vegetation survey between Dar es Salaam and Dodoma for the Implementation of Standard Gauge Railway Project between Dar es Salaam and Dodoma, Tanzania. He is currently finalizing the desk work in preparations to working with UNHCR Field Office based in Kasulu, Kigoma Region to pilot nature-based solutions (bioengineering) for rehabilitation of a section of one of the gullies in the camp. Furthermore, he recently participated in the assessment of effects of Julius Nyerere Hydro-electric Power Project on ecosystem services: Soil fertility, soil conservation and land for crop production in Rufiji River Basin which is an on-going project for Tanzania Electricity Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) in response to UNESCO World Heritage Center comments; Critical habitat assessment/confirmation for the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project which stretched from the mangrove forest ecosystems in Chongoleani, Tanga and Rufiji Delta to Coastal thickets, forest and Miombo woodland in central Tanzania.

It is on the basis of his untiring efforts on community outreach services relating to vegetation restoration and conservation he was granted by the University of Dar es Salaam, the Prize on the “Best outreach Project of the year 2021/2022 by the College of Natural and Applied Sciences for the project entitled “wetland surveys and Baseline Botanical Survey in Pugu-Kazimzumbwi Nature Forest Reserve and Ruvu South Forest Reserve for the Implementation of Standard Gauge Railway Project between Dar es Salaam and Dodoma, Tanzania

Besides consulting activities, Dr. Moshi has published several books in the field of Biology, two book chapters on Biodiversity conservation in Pugu-Kazimzumbwi Nature Forest Reserve and Ruvu South Forest Reserve; a book on the potential vegetation types in Eastern Africa and several papers in peer reviewed journals in the field of vegetation ecology and Bioenergy. His recent books are entitled “Biodiversity and Conservation along an East African Railway. A survey of the Dar es Salaam-Makutupora Standard Gauge Railway, Tanzania” published by CAB International 2024; and “Potential Natural Vegetation of Eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia) Volume 10. Atlas and Tree species composition of Tanzania” published in 2014.

In academics Dr. Moshi has been teaching various postgraduate and undergraduate Botanical/biodiversity conservation courses including Plant Diversity and Conservation, Soil science, Vegetation ecology, economic botany, Ethnobotany, Plant Physiology, Plant ecology and biogeography, taxonomy of higher plants, Anatomy of Angiosperms, Biological methods and techniques. He also served at a capacity of Project Coordinator and Manager for the Natural Science Consultancy Bureau (NSCOB) and Deputy Director, Quality Assurance Bureau of the University of Dar es Salaam. Besides the University of Dar es Salaam, he has worked in a variety of professional capacities in private and public institutions including the University of Bagamoyo and Ardhi University where he served as a part-time lecturer in Ecology and Plant anatomy. Dr. Moshi has served the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology through the National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA) and Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) on special education duties including writing and reviewing Science/Biology text books for Advanced and Ordinary secondary schools and Primary schools between 2015 and 2021. His countries of work experience include Kenya where he spent several months at ICRAF-Nairobi working on genetic diversity of selected indigenous biocrops from Tanzania. He was a visiting faculty and scholar at the Centre for African Studies, University of Florida, USA in 2013.



  • Best outreach Project of the year at College level for the project titled “Baseline Botanical Survey in Pugu-Kazimzumbwi Nature Forest Reserve and Ruvu South Forest Reserve for the Implementation of Standard Gauge Railway Project between Dar es Salaam and Dodoma, Tanzania” University of Dar es Salaam research and innovation week exhibitions held in May 2022.
  • A Certificate of award to “Key Non Food Biocrops Potential for Biodiesel Production in Tanzania project” Second overall winner of the University of Dar es Salaam research week exhibitions presented in May, 20th 2015.
  • A Certificate for attaining a high standard of display during the College of research week exhibitions held in College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam in March, 28th 2015.
  • EU CONTAN project on biodiversity training and curriculum review
  • SATREPS Project for Development and Dissemination of Innovative Oil-Extracting Technology from Crop Process Residue for Rural Electrification and Value Addition of By-products.   
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