Lecturer, College Of Natural And Applied Sciences

University of Dar es Salaam PhD - Botany (November 2016), University of Dar es Salaam MSc. (Botany), Restoration Ecology and Soil (November 2007), University of Dar es Salaam BSc. Ed – (Biology, Geography and Education) November 2004)


Ecology and phytogeography, Biodiversity Conservation, Restoration, Renewable Energy (Bioenergy), Soil science, Plant anatomy, Biological Methods and techniques, Ethnobiology and Conservation.


Ecology and phytogeography, Biodiversity Conservation, Restoration, Renewable Energy (Bioenergy), Soil science, Plant anatomy, Biological Methods and techniques, Ethnobiology and Conservation.


  1. Developing curricular for biodiversity monitoring and conservation in Tanzania with support from Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union; This collaborative project aims to boost the capacities of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Tanzania to deliver in their teaching up-to-date knowledge on biodiversity assessment and conservation by building a strong collaboration between a network of leading Universities and natural science museums in the EU and relevant leading HEIs in Tanzania (2021-2024)
  2. Development and Dissemination of Innovative Oil-Extracting Technology from Crop Process Residue for Rural Electrification and Value Addition of By-products. This is an international joint research between JST and JICA involving higher learning institutions in japan and Tanzania aiming at contributing to the rural electrification of Tanzania using renewable energy and provide a model for achieving a sustainable, low carbon society. (2018-2023)
  3. The Strengthening Urban Engagement of Universities in Asia and Africa (SUEUAA) project funded by the British Academy under the Cities and Infrastructure programme of its Global Challenges Research Fund.  The project, led by the University of Glasgow, includes six international partners from Tanzania, South Africa Zimbabwe, Iran, Iraq and the Philippines (2017-2020).


Moshi, H.N, Masao C. A and Ndangalasi, H (2024). Floristic Structure, Composition, Diversity and Anthropogenic Pressure: The Implications of the Management of Biodiversity along the SGR Segment in Pugu and Ruvu Forest Reserves, Tanzania: In Biodiversity and Conservation along an East African Railway. A survey of the Dar es Salaam-Makutupora Standard Gauge Railway, Tanzania. CAB International.

Alavaisha, E,  Moshi, H.N, Ngalason, W, John. J and Nobert, J. (2024). Wetlands Status within the SGR Footprint from Dar es Salaam to Makutupora, Singida: In Biodiversity and Conservation along an East African Railway. A survey of the Dar es Salaam-Makutupora Standard Gauge Railway, Tanzania. CAB International.

Mogha, G. N; Jumanne J.; Moshi H.N.; Mosi. B. R. J.; Kyobya. F. and Kirei G (2019). Biology for Advanced Level Secondary Schools Student’s Book, Form Six, Tanzania Institute of Education. ISBN 987-9987-09-032-7.

Van Breugel, P., Kindt, R.; Lillesø, J,J., Mbago, F., Moshi, H.N., Ndangalasi., HJ Uronu, L.O.N., Jamnadass, R. and Graudal, L (2014). Potential natural vegetation of eastern Africa. Volume 10. Atlas and tree species composition for Tanzania. Department of Geosciences and natural resource management, University of Copenhagen. ISBN 978-87-7903-622-2

Buriyo, A. S.; Kasuga L,; Moshi, H. N and Nene, W. A (2016). Ecological Distribution and Abundance of the Parasitic weed, Cassytha filiformis L. (Lauraceae) in major Cashew, Anacardium occidentale L. growing regions in Tanzania. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 5: ( 3) 109-116.

Van Breugel, P.;Kindt, R.;Lillesø, J. B.;Bingham, M.,;Demissew, S.;Dudley, C.;Friis, I.;Gachathi, F.;Kalema, J.;Mbago, F.;Minani, V.; Moshi, H.;Mulumba, J.;Namaganda, M.;Ndangalasi, H.;Ruffo, C.;Védaste, M.;Jamnadass, R.;Graudal, L. O.V. (2011) Potential natural vegetation of Eastern Africa Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia : vol. 1 - The atlas. Forest & Landscape Denmark working papers, University of Copenhagen.

Van Breugel, P.;Kindt, R.;Lillesø, J. B.;Bingham, M.,;Demissew, S.;Dudley, C.;Friis, I.;Gachathi, F.;Kalema, J.;Mbago, F.;Minani, V.; Moshi, H.;Mulumba, J.;Namaganda, M.;Ndangalasi, H.;Ruffo, C.;Védaste, M.;Jamnadass, R.;Graudal, L. O.V. (2011) Potential natural vegetation of Eastern Africa. Vol. 2: Description and tree species composition for forest potential natural vegetation types. Forest & Landscape Denmark working papers, University of Copenhagen.

Van Breugel, P.;Kindt, R.;Lillesø, J. B.;Bingham, M.,;Demissew, S.;Dudley, C.;Friis, I.;Gachathi, F.;Kalema, J.;Mbago, F.;Minani, V.; Moshi, H.;Mulumba, J.;Namaganda, M.;Ndangalasi, H.;Ruffo, C.;Védaste, M.;Jamnadass, R.;Graudal, L. O.V. (2011) Potential natural vegetation of eastern Africa. Volume 3: Description and tree species composition for woodland and wooded grassland po­tential natural vegetation types. Forest & Landscape Denmark working papers, University of Copenhagen.

Van Breugel, P.;Kindt, R.;Lillesø, J. B.;Bingham, M.,;Demissew, S.;Dudley, C.;Friis, I.;Gachathi, F.;Kalema, J.;Mbago, F.;Minani, V.; Moshi, H.;Mulumba, J.;Namaganda, M.;Ndangalasi, H.;Ruffo, C.;Védaste, M.;Jamnadass, R.;Graudal, L. O.V. (2011) Potential natural vegetation of Eastern Africa Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia . Vol. 4: Description and tree species composition for bushland and thicket potential natural vegetation types. Forest & Landscape Denmark working papers, University of Copenhagen.

Van Breugel, P.;Kindt, R.;Lillesø, J. B.;Bingham, M.,;Demissew, S.;Dudley, C.;Friis, I.;Gachathi, F.;Kalema, J.;Mbago, F.;Minani, V.; Moshi, H.;Mulumba, J.;Namaganda, M.;Ndangalasi, H.;Ruffo, C.;Védaste, M.;Jamnadass, R.;Graudal, L. O.V (2011) Potential Natural Vegetation of Eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia). VOLUME 5: Description and Tree Species Composition for Other Potential Natural Vegetation Types (Vegetation Types other than Forests, Woodlands, Wooded Grasslands, Bushlands and Thickets). Forest & Landscape Denmark working papers. University of Copenhagen.

Van Breugel, P.;Kindt, R.;Lillesø, J. B.;Bingham, M.,;Demissew, S.;Dudley, C.;Friis, I.;Gachathi, F.;Kalema, J.;Mbago, F.;Minani, V.; Moshi, H.;Mulumba, J.;Namaganda, M.;Ndangalasi, H.;Ruffo, C.;Védaste, M.;Jamnadass, R.;Graudal, L. O.V (2011) Potential natural vegetation of Eastern Africa Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia . Vol. 6: An overview of the methods and material used to develop the Map. Forest & Landscape Denmark working papers, University of Copenhagen.

Van Breugel, P.;Kindt, R.;Lillesø, J. B.;Bingham, M.,;Demissew, S.;Dudley, C.;Friis, I.;Gachathi, F.;Kalema, J.;Mbago, F.;Minani, V.; Moshi, H.;Mulumba, J.;Namaganda, M.;Ndangalasi, H.;Ruffo, C.;Védaste, M.;Jamnadass, R.; Graudal, L. O.V. (2011) Potential natural vegetation of Eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia) : Volume 7: Projected distributions of potential natural vegetation types and two important agroforestry species (Prunus Africana and Warburgia Ugandensis) for six possible future climates. Forest & Landscape Denmark working papers, University of Copenhagen.

Roeland Kindt, Jens‐Peter B Lillesø, Paulo van Breugel, Michael Bingham, Sebsebe Demissew, Cornell Dudley, Ib Friis, Francis Gachathi, James Kalema, Frank Mbago, Heriel N Moshi, John W Mulumba, Mary Namaganda, Henry J Ndangalasi, Christopher K Ruffo, Védaste Minani, Ramni H Jamnadass, Lars Graudal (2014) Correspondence in forest species composition between the Vegetation Map of Africa and higher resolution maps for seven African countries. Journal Applied Vegetation Science, Volume 17, Issue 1, Pages 162-171.

P van Breugel, R Kindt, JPB Lillesø, M Bingham, S Demissew, C Dudley, I Friis, F Gachathi, J Kalema, F Mbago, HN Moshi, M Namaganda, CK Ruffo, M Védaste, R Jamnadass, L Graudal (2011) Potential natural vegetation map of Eastern Africa: Interactive vegetation map for Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Forest and Landscape (Denmark) and World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).

R Kindt, P van Breugel, JPB Lillesø, V Minani, HN Moshi, CK Ruffo, J Gapusi, R Jamnadass, L Graudal (2014) Potential Natural Vegetation of Eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia) Volume 9. Atlas and Tree Species Composition for Rwanda. Geosciences and Natural Resource Management.

Roeland Kindt, Jens-Peter Barnekow Lillesø, Paulo van Breugel, M Bingham, Sebsebe Demissew, C Dudley, I Friis, F Gachathi, J Kalema, F Mbago, V Minani, HN Moshi, J Mulumba, M Namaganda, HJ Ndangalasi, CK Ruffo, R Jamnadass (2014) Potential Natural Vegetation of Eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia). Geosciences and Natural Resource Management.


A Summary of Selected Consultancy Reports on Botanical and Soil Aspects:

Moshi. H. N (2024) Kabanga Nickel Project-Biodiversity Gap analysis in Kabanga and Kahama sites.

Moshi. H. N (2024) Piloting Nature-based Solutions (NBS) for rehabilitation of gullies. Consultancy service for the UNHCR in Kasulu, Kigoma Region. Field mobilizing in progress.

Moshi. H. N (2024) Baseline Vegetation Survey Report on the limited environmental and social impact assessment of the mafia island hybridization project. Sub-Contracted by the ARTELIA joint stock company for Tanzanian National Energy Supply Company (TANESCO).

Moshi. H. N (2023) Baseline Vegetation Survey Report on the Supply and Installation of Submarine Cable from Mafia Island to Chole Island. Contracted by the Tanzanian National Energy Supply Company (TANESCO).

Moshi. H. N (2023) Tanzania Cities Transforming Infrastructure and Competitiveness (TACTIC) project: Detailed engineering designs and ESIA for initial Urban infrastructure investments in Dar es Salaam City - DMDP phase 2 (Flora component) On-going Project.  Sub-contracted by Mhandisi Consultancy Ltd.

Moshi. H. N (2023) Baseline Biodiversity (Flora) Survey for Epanko Graphite Project located in Mahenge, Morogoro for the TanzGraphite company, sub-contracted by Digby wells Environmental.

Moshi. H. N (2023) Updating the Environmental Impact Assessment (Flora Component) for the Proposed Nachu Graphite Project based in Ruangwa, Lindi Region; Sub-contracted by Digby wells Environmental.

Moshi. H. N (2023) Baseline Biodiversity (Flora) Survey for Proposed Ngualla Rare Earth Metals Project PR-NG Minerals Limited (Subsidiary of Peak Rare Earths) based in Songwe Distict, Songwe Region, sub-contracted by Digby wells Environmental.

Moshi. H. N (2023) Biodiversity Survey, Wildlife Corridors and ESIA Support, Tanzania SGR Lots 3 and 4 for EcoTek Diligent Solutions.

Moshi. H. N (2023) Flora baseline update survey for the Proposed Nachu Graphite Project Ruangwa-Lindi Region. Sub- contracted by Digby Wells Environmental.

Moshi. H. N. and Nyomora A.M.S (2022) Assessment of effects of Julius Nyerere Hydro-electric Power Project on ecosystem services: Soil fertility, soil conservation and land for crop production in Rufiji River Basin. On-going project for Tanzania Electricity Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) in response to UNESCO World Heritage Center comments.

Moshi. H. N. (2022) Assessment of biological environment for the implementation of environmental management plan in view of biodiversity resources in rehabilitated and un-rehabilitated mine’s facilities in Buzwagi Goldmine located in Kahama District, Shinyanga Region. Sub-contracted by On-Site Consultancy Company Limited.

Moshi. H. N. (2022) Floristic assessment to establish rehabilitation success and monitoring programme for the rehabilitated sites and potential plant species for rehabilitating Tailing storage facility in Buzwagi Gold Mine facilities, located in Kahama, Shinyanga Region.

Moshi H.N and Kweyunga, C (2021) Soil Baseline Assessment for the REGROW Project – Financed Infrastructures for Ruaha, Mikumi and Udzungwa National Parks.

Moshi. H. N. (2021) The Wetland Flora Assessment for the Implementation of Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) Project between Dar es Salaam and Dodoma, Tanzania. The report submitted to the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications, Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC).

Moshi. H. N. (2021) A Baseline Botanical Survey in Pugu-Kazimzumbwi Nature Forest Reserve and Ruvu South Forest Reserve for the Implementation of Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) Project between Dar es Salaam and Dodoma, Tanzania. The report submitted to the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications, Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC).

Moshi. H. N. (2021) Consultancy Services for Preparation of a Strategic Environmental and Social Appraisal (SESA) for Integrated Water Resources Management and Development (IWRMD) Plan for the Internal Drainage Basin, Ruvuma and Southern Coast Basin, Lake Tanganyika Basin, Lake Nyasa Basin and Lake Rukwa Basin in association with SGC LIMITED.

Moshi. H. N. (2021) EACOP Critical Habitats Assessment - Botany Field Survey (Terrestrial) in the selected habitats along EACOP corridor between Chongoleani, Tanga and Igunga, Tabora Region. Sub-Consultant to RSK Environment (East Africa) Ltd, part of RSK Group Ltd.

Moshi. H. N. (2021) Flora assessment of species in rehabilitated sites and natural vegetation in the Buzwagi Gold Mine facilities, based in Kahama, Shinyanga Region.

Moshi H.N (2021) Vegetation Baseline Assessment for the REGROW Project – Financed Infrastructures for Ruaha, Mikumi and Udzungwa National Parks, in Morogoro and Iringa Regions.

Moshi H.N and Kweyunga, C (2021) Soil Baseline Assessment for the REGROW Project – Financed Infrastructures for Ruaha, Mikumi and Udzungwa National Parks

Moshi H.N (2019) Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentration in Soils, Bioaccumulation and Ecological Assessment for Revegetation of Buzwagi Gold Mine Ltd Based in Kahama, Shinyanga Region. Consultancy Report.

Moshi H.N (2019) Flora assessment and mapping of vegetation communities as part of the Environmental Management Plan commitments and Mine Closure Plan for Buzwagi Gold Mine Ltd based in Kahama, Shinyanga region. Consultancy Report.

Moshi H.N (2019) Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentration in Soils, Bioaccumulation and Ecological Assessment for Revegetation of Buzwagi Gold Mine Ltd Based in Kahama, Shinyanga Region. Consultancy Report.

Moshi H.N (2018) Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentration in Soils and Bioaccumulation for Geita Gold Mine Ltd Based in Geita Region. Consultancy Report.

Moshi H.N (2018) Environmental baseline study; Soil component for the establishment of the IMWERU Gold project, Chato-Geita region. Consultancy Report.

Moshi H.N and Mligo, C. (2017) Securing Watershed Services through Sustainable Land Management in the Sigi Catchment: Environmental flow Assessment of the Zigi River Catchment. An aspect of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation as an implementing agent, and GEF and UNDP as donors.

Moshi H.N (2017) Baseline vegetation survey for the establishment of the Luisenga hydro project for Rift valley Corporation in Mufindi district, Iringa Region.

Moshi H.N & Lyaruu H.V.M (2016) Post closure vegetation assessment of the golden pride project, Nzega District, Tanzania. Consultancy Report.

Moshi H.N, Nyomora A.M.S & Manoko M.L.K (2016) Distribution and production Potential of Key non-edible biocrops of Economic Importance for Biodiesel Industry in Tanzania. PhD thesis.

Moshi H.N (2015) Environmental baseline study; Soil component for the establishment of the URANEX NACHU Graphite project, Ruangwa district-Lindi region. Consultancy Report.

Moshi, H.N. (2014) Mapping of sanitation and hygiene stakeholders and recommendations on improving implementation of the national sanitation campaign in Tanzania for the establishment of Tanzania National Sanitation Management Information System (NS MIS). A case study of Mwanga and Same districts, Kilimanjaro Region, GTZ report.

Moshi, H. N and Manoko M.L.K (2014), Long Term Ecological Monitoring Programme (LTEMP) in Tanzania along Lake Victoria in Chato district, Geita Region.

Moshi H.N (2012) Soil baseline survey for the establishment of Dutwa Nickel project in Simiyu region Tanzania. Consultancy Report.

Moshi H.N (2012) Soil baseline survey for the establishment of Ntaka hill Nickel project in Nachingwea, Tanzania. Consultancy Report.

Ismail, F; Buriyo A.S & Moshi H.N (2012) Environmental Impact Assessment Study of proposed Makambako-Songea Electrical Power Transmission Line and associated distribution lines project. Consultancy Report.

Moshi H.N & Mbago F.M (2009) Assessment of the regional impacts of climate change on agriculture and    environment in Tanzania. A case study of Kilosa district-Morogoro region. ReACT Report.

Flora.I, Manoko M.L.K, & Moshi H.N (2007) Vegetation baseline survey for the establishment of Kabanga Nickel Mine. Consultancy Report.

Moshi H.N (2007), Assessment of structure and soil seed bank diversity of the South Uluguru Mountains flora in Tanzania. MSc Thesis Report.

Moshi H.N & Mbago F.M (2006) Vegetation survey and monitoring in Tulawaka gold mine Kagera region, for Barrick Gold of Australia. Consultancy Report

Ndangalasi H.J, Cordero N & Moshi H.N (2006) Environmental Impact Assessment on Allanblackia stuhlmannii seed collection in East Usambara Mountains for Novella Company limited. Consultancy Report.

Moshi H.N (2004) Assessment of effectiveness of Balanites aegyptiaca seeds extract in removing water turbidity and Coliform bacteria in contaminated bore holes’ water in Dar es salaam. Project report.


Membership in Professional Societies:

  1. Member of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
  2. Member of the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB)
  3. Member of the Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania (WCST)
  4. Member of the Tanzania Bioenergy Forum (TaBEF)
  5. Registered member – IUCN red list of threatened species.