
We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Ritha Kalokola our esteemed academic staff member of the Institute of Resource Assessment (IRA), has successfully completed her PhD. This remarkable achievement stands as a testament to her dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to her academic career.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Ritha Kalokola on this outstanding accomplishment. We celebrate this moment with her and eagerly anticipate her future success.

Warmest congratulations from all of us at the Institute of Resource Assessment (IRA)

Dr. Ritha Kalokola's Study on Consumptive Wildlife Tourism in Selous Game Reserve

Dr. Ritha Kalokola has conducted a comprehensive study examining the impacts of Consumptive Wildlife Tourism (CWT) on socioeconomic development and wildlife conservation in Tanzania's Selous Game Reserve (SGR). Using a utilitarian theoretical framework, Dr. Kalokola explored the governance and financial viability of CWT at SGR, as well as its effects on wildlife conservation and the surrounding local communities.

Her research uncovered that the legal framework governing CWT originates from colonial times, making the practice foreign and largely resented by the local population. Key findings include the normalization of illegal practices to increase revenue and a lax system for setting and maintaining hunting quotas. Although CWT is financially viable, primarily due to game fees, Dr. Kalokola's study revealed significant negative impacts on local community development, including increased hardships from wildlife coexistence and heightened living expenses due to food scarcity. On the other hand, CWT casual laborers face oppression, excessive exploitation, and social injustice.

Dr. Kalokola's insightful research sheds light on the complexities of CWT, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach that supports both wildlife conservation and the socioeconomic well-being of local communities.

Dr. Kalokola argues that although CWT activities deter poachers—a point praised by conservationists—it is the leading cause of animal mortality, killing animals at a rate eight times higher than poaching. Additionally, CWT reduces trophy size, stresses animals, alters their behavior, and accelerates the invasion of alien species, thereby disrupting the SGR ecosystems. She concludes that CWT fails to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number and argues against its practice due to its irreversible negative effects on wildlife conservation. Her study recommends reforming existing resident hunting practices as a culling tool for wildlife population management and a means to alleviate food scarcity among the rural poor who coexist with wildlife. Additionally, she advocates for enhancing ecotourism to generate income while promoting conservation efforts.