Abstracts are invited on any topic related to coastal and marine environment of the region. See the Symposium Themes from http://symposium.wiomsa.org/programme/. Priority will be given to multi-/trans-/interdisciplinary abstracts. Please note the following important points: 1. Abstracts must be in English as that is the official language of the Symposium. 2. The abstract submission site will not accept abstracts of more than 310 words. Abstracts should provide a brief statement of the problem, the methodology, the results and the conclusion. The abstract should be submitted in plain text only; without the inclusion of tables, graphs, images, etc. All abstracts will be reviewed for merit and relevance. 3. Abstracts by students should be indicated by the word "STUDENT" (in uppercase) at the start of the abstract otherwise they will not be considered for the student competitions. 4. Please do not include the word “ABSTRACT” as part of the title/ heading when submitting texts of your abstracts. 5. Do not use hard returns/open lines in the abstract. It should be one paragraph without line breaks. Logging in for Returning Authors We are using the same system as the 2015 symposium for submission of abstracts. If you are a returning author (submitting an abstract) please use the same profile/login/password as previously. If you have forgotten those details, please log onto http://abstract.wiomsa.org/index.php/wiomsa/10WSS and follow the instructions to receive a new password. Please try and avoid creating duplicate profiles. PLEASE CHECK THAT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IS CORRECTLY LISTED IN YOUR PROFILE. (check under "My Profile" link on the right of the page) New Authors For new authors, please follow the instructions below: Instructions for registering on the abstracting website: 1. Go to: http://abstract.wiomsa.org/index.php/wiomsa/10WSS; 2. Navigate to "Account" tab on the top menu; 3. Populate your profile with information 4. Right at the bottom: "Create account as" - tick Author; 5. Ignore "Reviewer" tick. 6. Submit. You will receive an email to confirm your registration. 7. Once registered, please log in and submit a new abstract. Abstracts must be submitted online at http://abstract.wiomsa.org/index.php/wiomsa/10WSS no later than 28th April 2017.