Senior Lecturer, Institute of Development Studies

Ph.D (Minnesota, USA),M.A (Dar), B.A (Dar)



  • 2020: International Conference of Development Studies, DODOMA
  • 2019:  Ghana, Univ of Ghana Legon
  • 2016 December. ASA Washington DC
  • 2015 June: Inclusive Growth: Improving Microfinance Regulation to Support Growth and Innovation in Micro Enterprises. ODI, London
  • 2015 May. HEI- ICI Workshop. University of Zambia, Lusaka
  • 2015 April. Institute of Marine Sciences Research Week Seminar and Exhibition, Zanzibar
  • 2015March. TRA Workshop, Arusha
  • 2015 March: Development Studies Conference
  • 2015. Paris PARRAF Training and Meeting
  • 2014: Kampala. Building Resilient Cities- Roundtable Discussion 
  • 2014: Uppsala. Nordic Africa Days Presented a Paper
  • 2014: Dakar Senegal: Youth Unemployment 
  • 2013.  Helsinki. Development Knowing Development – Developing Knowledge? 2nd Nordic Conference for Development Research
  • 2013: Arusha. World Climate Change Conference Secretariat
  • 2013: Uppsala Sweden Claiming the City;
  • 2013: Cardiff UK. Rebel Streets


2020: The Wealth of Development Studies: A Close Reflection.  Conference Paper presented in the 1st Internarial Conference of Development Studies in Tanzania March 11th – 12th 2020. Dodoma.

2006: Book Review:  Changing Contours of Survival in the City. Comparative

Sociology (Netherlands) Volume 5 No. 2-3, 2006 pp 312


2020: Msoka, C. COVID-19 and Everyday Life in Tanzania: How Has the Pandemic Changed Common

Practices in Dar es Salaam City? In  Alphonse Yapi-Diahou. Cahier “ COVID 19 au quotidien ”. 125 p., 2020.  HAL Id: hal-02859844

2020: Asante, R.; Hershey, M.; Kajubi, P.; Kuperus, T.; Msoka, C.; and Patterson A.:

What Motivates Young African Leaders for Public Engagement? Lessons from Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society

2019: Assey, S. and Msoka, C.T. Dissemination of Research Findings in Tanzania: Are

Researchers in Compliance with Best Practice? Tanzania Journal of Development Studies Vol. 17 No.1 2019 pp19-41 

2019: Tiina , K. Komba, and  Msoka, C.T. Development Studies In Tanzania, Historical

Trajectory and Future  Visions. In Baud, I.; Basile E., Kontinen and von Itter, S. (2019) Building Development Studies for the New Millennium. Cham. Palgrave McMillan

2018:The Politics of Reporting Reportable Diseases: A Methodological Review of the

State-Researcher Clash. Tanzanian Journal of Population Studies and Development Vol. 25, Nos. 1&2, 2018 pp32-51

2017: Msoka, C.T. Youth Bulge in Tanzania: Towards Investing in Young People to Harness

the Demographic Dividend AU Echo 2017  Edition No 1. Pp 28-31.

2017:Msoka, C.T. Necropolis of Dar es Salaam: Ignored or Feared Spaces? Le Journal des

Sciences Sociales No.16 Juin 2017.

2017:  Msoka, C. T. The Role of Leadership in Urban Development: A Reflection from Selected Urban

Centers in Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Development Studies Vol. 15 (1&2) 134-154.

2017:Msoka, C.T. Killing of researchers in Tanzania: Towards a conceptual safety

protocol. Journal of Sociology and Development, Vol. 1, No.1 pp 110-126

2017: Msoka, C., and Ackson, T. The politics and regulation of street trading in Dar es Salaam.

Book chapter In Brown A. (ed) Rebel Streets and the Informal Economy: Street Trade and the Law. London,  Routledge pp183-204

2015: Brown, A.  Msoka, C; Dankoco, I. A Refugee in My Own Country: Evictions or Property Rights in the Urban Informal Economy? Urban Studies Vol. 52 (12) 2234-2249.

2015 Mbirigenda,S. K. and Msoka C.T.; Community Development through Corporate Social Responsibility: Some Issues from Selected Companies in Tanzania: Syllabus, volume VI (1) 2015 pp99-126.

2014: Lyons, M. Brown, A. and Msoka, C. Do Micro-Enterprises Benefit from the 'Doing

Business'  Reforms? The Case of Street Vending in Tanzania, Urban Studies June 2014 Volume  51: 1593-1612,

2013: Msoka, C.T. When Religion Becomes a Source of Conflicts Interfaith Relations in 21st Tanzania and its Potential Impact on Development. Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Vol.13 Nos 1&2 2013 pp67-82.

2013: Msoka, C.T. Taxation, Welfare State and Social Development: A Theoretical Discussion; Journal of  Tax Administration Vol.1 No. 1.

 2012: Lyons, M., Brown, A., Msoka, C. (Why) have pro-poor policies failed Africa's working poor?  Journal of International Development Volume 24, Issue 8, November 2012, Pages: 1008–1029

 2010: Lyons, M. Msoka C. The World Bank and the Street: (How) Do ‘Doing Business’

Reforms Affect Tanzania’s Micro-traders? Urban Studies, May 2010;  vol.  47, 5:  pp.


2008: Shao, I. and C. Msoka: Grassroots Economic Development, Social Justice and Poverty Reduction. Tanzania Journal of Development Studies Vol.8 No 1. Pp14-22

Book Chapters

2015:  Msoka, Colman T. 2015. Disciplinarians vs. Development Studies: A Return of

Ethnocentrism in the Academia? In  Rehema Kilonzo and Tiina Kontinen, eds. (2014), Contemporary Concerns in Development Studies: Perspectives from Tanzania and Zambia, Helsinki, Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki.

2015:  Kontinen, T. ; Oinas, E.; Komba, A.A.; Matenga, C.; Msoka, C. T.;  Kilonzo, R.; and M. Mumba. 2015 Developing Development Studies in North-South Partnership: How to Support Institutional Capacity in Academia? In  Rehema Kilonzo and Tiina Kontinen, eds. (2014), Contemporary Concerns in Development Studies: Perspectives from Tanzania and Zambia, Helsinki, Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki.

2014: Msoka, C.T. Criminal Bands in Urban Tanzania: How Life Has Been Redefined. In

Moksnes, H. and M. Melin. Claiming the City: Civil Society mobilization by the Urban Poor. Uppsala University.

2014: Luukkanen, J; Kuria, P; Kakonen, M; Karhunmaa, K; Karjolainen, J; Warah, R;

Msoka, C. T. and Toroskainen, K :  Kenya and Tanzania Beyond 2015: Exploring Domestic Debates and Envisioning Development Futures. Finland Futures Research Centre; University of Turku. 

 2012: Koda, B.O. Shao, Msoka, C. T. & M. Agnes 2012: An Assessment of Women

Participation in the 2010 General Elections in Tanzania IDS/UNDP Research Report; February 22nd, 2012.