Salome B. Misana

Name: Salome B. Misana   BA (Ed), MA (Dar), PhD (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder)

Title: Associate Professor

Areas of Specialisation: Biogeography, Natural Resources Management, Environmental Impact Assessment, Project Monitoring and Evaluation


Misana S.B. and Tilumanywa V.T. (2019) An Assessment of the vulnerability and response of coastal communities to climate change impact in Lindi Region, Tanzania. In Yanda P.Z. et al. (Eds) Cliamte Change and Coastal Resources in Tanzania. Springer Nature (In Press)

Said M.K. and Misana, S.B. (2018) Land cover changes and their determinants in the coral rag ecosystem of the South District Unguja, Zanzibar. Journal of Ecology and Natural Environmental 10(7): 129-146. Https:// 2018.0693

Amoako, E.E., Misana, S. Kranja-Berisavljevic, G. Zizinga, A. and Ballu Duwieja, A. (2018). Effects of the seasonal burning on trees species in the Guinea Savanna woodland, Ghana: Implications for climate change mitigation. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 16(2): 1935-1949.

Makunga J.E. and Misana, S.B. (2017) Efficacy of forest resources governance on REDD+ performance in Uvinza District, Western Tanzania. Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 10(6):119-132. DOI:10.5897/JGRP2017.0628

Makunga, J.E. and Misana, S.B. (2017). The extent and drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Masito-Ugalla ecosystem, Kigoma Region, Tanzania. Open Journal of Forestry 7:285-305.


International conferences/Workshops

  • Globe Pan-African conference, Naivasha Kenya 3rd to 4th December 2018
  • GlobE Wetlands project General Assembly 28th May to 3rd June 2016,  Bonn, Germany
  • International seminar on Climate Finance Readiness Leadership and Shared Learning 14th to 18th June 2015, Windhoek, Namibia
  • GlobE Status Seminar 4th to 6th  March 2015 Potsdam, Germany