Herbert Hambati Qambalo

Name: Herbert Hambati Qambalo, BA, MA, PhD (Dar)

Title: Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, UDSM.

Area of Specialization:                       Disaster Management; Urban Planning and Management; Population, Resources and Development Nexus; Migration and Urbanization; Project Planning and Management; Traditional and Modern Ecological Knowledge Systems; Participatory Geographical Information systems (PGIS); Urban and Rural Settlements planning.


Atuaoye, K.N; Hambati,H; Luginah, I; Campbell G.; (2019): “Politics, Economics, how about our health? Impacts of large-scale land acquisition on therapeutic spaces and wellbeing in coastal Tanzania" Journal of social science and medicine 220 (2019) 283-291


Herbert Hambati and Genesis T. Yengoh (2017): Community resilience to natural disasters in the informal settlements in Mwanza City, Tanzania, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2017.1372274.


Sheila A. Boamah, Herbert Hambati, Frederick AtoArmah, Isaac Luginaah, Ratana Chuenpagdee& Gwyn Campbell (2017): Evaluating the complex interactions between malaria and cholera prevalence, neglected tropical disease comorbidities, and community perception of health risks of climate change, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment available at:


Hambati, H (2017): “Community Resilience to Natural Disasters in Informal Settlements in Mwanza city, Tanzania”. Tanzanian Journal of Population Studies andDevelopment; Vol. 22, No. 1&2, Pp. 1-31, DTU, University of Dar es Salaam.


International conferences/workshops

Population Projections Workshop. A National Workshop organized by National Board of Statistics (NBS) in collaboration with Tanzanian Planning commission, held in Arusha, Tanzania from 7th – 17th August, 2018.


Building Urban Resilience in Tanzania. An international Workshop organized by World Bank in collaboration with Prime Ministers office and The Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH), held in Dar es- Salaam, Tanzania at the Kilimanjaro Hotel – Dar es Salaam from 31st May– 2nd June, 2018.


Demographic Dividend (DD) Modelling. An international Workshop organized by Pathfinder International in collaboration with Tanzanian Planning commission, held in Dodoma, Tanzania at Dodoma Hotel – Dodoma from 15th – 19th May, 2017.


Contacts: Email: or  Mobile: +255 0784 452 028.