Egidius Kamanyi

Egidius Kamanyi is an Assistant Lecturer and PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. He is an expert in Sociology and has experience in teaching, researching and consulting in the same area. Kamanyi has been teaching at the department for the past nine years. His areas of teaching include; Social Theory, Research, Medical Sociology, Community development, Gender, Natural resource management, and Disaster management. Kamanyi has over 10 years’ research and consultancy experience working on a range of community related issues from environmental sustainability to governance and social norms to child and maternal health, HIV/AIDS, education, social welfare and community development, disaster management and natural resource management and environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA). Many of Kamanyi’s researches have in many occasions been informed by a gender sensitive analysis. In addition, Kamanyi has expertise in Training for research and advocacy activities. He possesses vast experience in data processing and analysis in both Qualitative and Quantitative approaches. Lastly, Kamanyi has a grounded experience and expertise in translation, reporteuring and interpreting.