• 2009-2013: PhD in Forest Environmental Science, Seoul National University, Korea • 2003-2005: M.Sc. in Wildlife Ecology. University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. • 1999-2002: B.Sc. in Wildlife Management. Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania.
John, J., Kohi, E., Park, J-Y., Nkwabi, A., Choi, C-Y., Werema, C., Hur, W-H., Kim, H. & Lee, J. (2019). Birds of Western Tanzania: Gombe, Mahale, Rubondo, Saanane, Malagarasi, Ntakata and Minziro. National Institute of Biological Resources. Doohyun Publishing Co. Republic of Korea. ISBN 978-89-6811-396-3 96490. 532pp.
Book reviews
- John, JRM. (2016). Book Review: Birds of Serengeti and Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Ostrich; African Journal of Ornithology. 87(1): 99-100
- John, JRM. (2015): Book Review: Checklist of Tanzanian Species. African Journal of Ecology 53(4): 616.
Journal papers
- John, J.R. & Kagembe, Q. (2022). Avian community changes along an urbanization gradient in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, with a reversed trend for alien species. Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology 42(1): 1-20.
- Mapunda, R & John, J.R. (2021). Effects of wildfire on vegetation and understory avian communities in montane rainforests, north‐eastern Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology 59(2):466–478.
- Mgimwa, F.E, John, J.R. & Lugomela, C.V. (2021). The influence of physical–chemical variables on phytoplankton and lesser flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor) abundances in Lake Natron, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology 59(3):667-675.
- John, J.R & Kiwango, H (2021). Further additions to the avifauna of Isunkaviola Plateau, Ruaha National Park, south-central Tanzania, emphasize its ornithological importance. Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology 41(1): 24-34.
- Kimario EP, John J.R & Pratap, HP (2020). Gonadosomatic Index infers the Breeding Season of the House Crow Corvus splendens in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology 40(1): 1-6.
- John, JRM & Lee WS. (2019). Kleptoparasitism of Shoebills Balaeniceps rex by African Fish Eagles Haliaeetus vocifer in Western Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science 45(2): 131-143.
- John, JRM. (2019). Plant Diet Selectivity and Some Environmental Parameters at Foraging Sites of Wattled Crane (Bugeranus carunculatus) in Malagarasi Wetlands, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science 45(1): 32-43.
- Ringim, AS, Magige, FJ & John, JRM. (2018). Diversity and Density of Avifauna in Areas with Different Protection Status: A Case Study in Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands, North-eastern Nigeria. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 44(2): 117-125.
- Ringim, AS, Magige, FJ & John, JRM. (2017). A comparative Study of Species Diversity of Migrant Birds between Protected and Unprotected areas of the Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands, Nigeria. Tanzania Journal of Sciences, 43(1): 1010-122.
- John, JRM & Hagwet BM (2017). Use of Avifauna to Complement Marketing Strategies for Less Visited Protected Areas in Tanzania: A Case of Saadani National Park. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 5(2):73-83.
- John, JRM. (2015). Responses of large wetland birds to human disturbances: results from experimental bird approaches in areas with different protection status in western Tanzania. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Science, 6(1): 467-477.
- Mutagwaba, S. & John JRM (2014). Kihansi spray wetlands under mitigation measures and its implication to the biodiversity of the resultant ecosystems. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Science, 5(4): 204-213
- John, J.R.M., Nahonyo, C.L., Lee, W.S., & C.A. Msuya. (2012). Observations on nesting of shoebill Balaeniceps rex and wattled crane Bugeranus carunculatus in Malagarasi wetlands, western Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology 51: 184-187.
- John, J.R.M & Woo-Shin Lee (2012). First record of the Association of Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis with Shoebill Balaeniceps rex. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology. 83: 171-173.
- John, J.R.M. & J.D.L Kabigumila. (2011).The use of bird species richness and abundance indices to assess the conservation value of exotic Eucalyptus plantations. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology. 82: 27-37.
- Borghesio. L., John, J.R.M., Mulungu, E., Mkongewa, V & Cordeiro, N.J. (2008) Observations of threatened birds in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. African Bird Club Bulletin 15 (1): 59-70.
- John, J.R.M. & Kabigumila J.D.L. (2007). Impact of Eucalyptus Plantations on the Breeding Bird Community in the East Usambaras, Tanzania. Ostrich, 78 (2): 265-269.